Bizarre and painful rhino piercings take the body mod world by storm

New York, New York - For all the many tattoos, piercings, and body modifications that have become popular over the last few years, the rhino piercing still doesn't fail to shock.

Rhino piercings are taking TikTok by storm, wracking up millions of views.
Rhino piercings are taking TikTok by storm, wracking up millions of views.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@rainlalin/@bowlofcornflakeswbanana/@kaylamalecc

Every generation has its own signature look and favorite body modifications.

In 2024, a new piercing is taking New York by storm – the "rhino piercing," a spike implanted into the front of the nose.

An untraditional piercing, the rhino is a vertical piercing inserted via an incision on the top of the nose. Its name comes from an obvious source – its resemblance to the horn of a rhinoceros.

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In an interview with Allure, veteran body modifier and piercing expert Johnny Pearce revealed just what this new piercing trend entails: "You may also see it referred to as a vertical nasal tip piercing, vertical nose tip, or a vertical tip piercing."

Body modifier explains the new viral "rhino" piercing

Over the last few years, the #rhinopiercing trend on TikTok has wracked up millions of views, with people showing off their unique and horrendously painful piercings.

When people get a rhino piercing they are left with "two cute points of adornment: one slightly above the nasal tip and the lower on the underside of the columella," explained Pearce.

There are many concerns floated around in the rhino piercing community about the pain of the operation – a needle gets inserted through the top of the nose – and its safety. Pearce argues that it is a risky move, but one that is safe if done by the right practitioner.

"The rhino piercing passes through sensitive tissue, so the need for skilled and experienced piercers who can minimize such risks is paramount," he said.

According to Pearce, a rhino piercing "appeals to those seeking to deviate from more conventional piercing options like nostril or septum piercings, to enhance their personal sense of style and identity."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@rainlalin/@bowlofcornflakeswbanana/@kaylamalecc

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