Memorial Day Weekend: How to turn up in style for summer 2024

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us, marking the unofficial start of the summer season. Here are three ways to celebrate and let that summer sunshine in!

Memorial Day Weekend is here!
Memorial Day Weekend is here!  © Collage: 123RF/erika8213, handmadepictures, & foodandmore

America has turned Memorial Day Weekend (MDW) into one of the most highly anticipated weekends of the year.

And even though the official calendar start date of the season comes with summer solstice on June 21, most would argue Memorial Day is when the summer switch is really turned on.

The long three-day weekend for most employees and students involves dusting off the grill, putting on the shorts, and marching in parades in many towns to remember the fallen.

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Tattoos Granny gets touching tattoo to celebrate 100th birthday

Memorial Day Monday has been recognized as a federal holiday since 1971, honoring US military members who have passed away while serving. But its origins date back to post-Civil War – 1868 to be exact – and was at first called Decoration Day.

As Americans pay their respects and simultaneously mark the start of summer, here are three ways to get started on some fun in the sun.

Wear white from head to toe on Memorial Day Weekend

As the old fashion rule says: wearing white before Memorial Day is a no-go!
As the old fashion rule says: wearing white before Memorial Day is a no-go!  © Collage: ACHIM AARON HARDING & DONELL WOODSON / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP

The age-old fashion rule goes that it's faux pas to wear white before Memorial Day, and that white attire should be stored away when Labor Day hits.

The summer style suggestion dates back to the early 20th century, when white clothes were typically made from lighter weight materials.

Outfitting in white is thought to have kept people cooler in the summer months, and helped fashionistas deal with the days before widespread modern AC units. Bonus: white also naturally reflects light.

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Tattoos Tattoo addict "Black Alien" gets bloody tears inked under his eyes

Long story short, the trend to wear white from May to early September gives us a short window to whip out the white pants and shoes - so why not kick it off this weekend?

Style yourself in white from head to toe before you head out the door – and you'll most likely be staying cool while looking cool, too.

Have the drinks flowing on MDW

Get the drinks flowing to cool you down – alcoholic or not!
Get the drinks flowing to cool you down – alcoholic or not!  © 123RF/ekaterinayatcenko

On this weekend of family cookouts and BBQs, the drinks will – of course – be quenching your thirst.

Of the canned variety, there always seems to be a Bud Lite or a White Claw at any standard summer celebration.

But while cocktails are replacing craft beer as all the rage these days, you can whip up your own concoctions at home. A margarita or sangria with a fruity flair never disappoints.

If you're looking for some non-alcoholic hydration besides a mocktail, try a twist on classic lemonade or a summertime smoothie.

Drink up!

Make a splash for Memorial Day

This MDWer is enjoying her drinks, and the Slip 'N Slide at the same time. Multitasking FTW!
This MDWer is enjoying her drinks, and the Slip 'N Slide at the same time. Multitasking FTW!  © JAMEY PRICE / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP

MDW is the time to cool down as the temperature begins to heat up.

This is one of the most popular weekends of the year to head to a body of water. So whether you're checking out the nearest beach, hanging by a pool, or chilling lakeside, bring your friends and your pet pals and dive in with the masses.

Many state and national parks and local waterfronts offer free admission for the holiday and summer season, if you want to see some scenery sprinkled with rivers and streams.

Yet, if you're not near a big 'ol water source, you can always bring the wet festivities to your own backyard or neighborhood hangout. Turn on the garden hose and fill up those water toys. Or whip out your Slip 'N Slide and go for a belly flop.

If you're in the city, locate your nearest public pool or an open fire hydrant and soak up that refreshing goodness.

Don't forget to slap on the sunscreen and enjoy that vitamin D!

Whatever you're doing this MDW, press play on some tunes to ring in the celebrations, and kick things off right!

Cover photo: Collage: 123RF/erika8213, handmadepictures, & foodandmore

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