To the power of three: Throuple thrives on sharing love despite being shunned and judged
Jeffersonville, Indiana – Despite being judged and shamed from day one, this throuple is determined not to let anyone come between them.

It all started when Jay fell in love with Sony – and later, with another woman, Ty. Instead of making him choose, Sony embraced the opportunity to try out something completely different.
So they decided to became one loving and polyamorous triangle.
The decision didn't come without consequences. All three all had deeply Christian upbringings, and their families are still devoutly religious.
Ty's situation is particularly difficult, due to the fact that her father is a preacher and simply cannot fathom her relationship.
In an interview for the YouTube series Love Don't Judge, she revealed that her family said she was "going to hell", and that they called the love affair an "abomination".
Along with these painful rejections, Jay, Sony, and Ty also endure the hateful words of trolls on social media.
But in spite of everything, the three just want to continue sharing their love with the world, and hope to show that monogamy isn't the only way to experience true happiness.
"It's just three people that love each other in a mutual relationship," Jay said.
For this throuple, love is love, no matter what it looks like
Sony and Ty certainly don't mind sharing a boyfriend. For them, it's the best of both worlds – not only do they get to connect as a throuple, they also get to have a personal relationship with one another on an individual level, too.
Still, there are many external obstacles to overcome and misconceptions to correct. "People assume the worst, especially because everybody's used to monogamy, so they assume, you know, we're always in competition," Ty said.
The trio has an Instagram account, which they use to dispel some of these myths. Their goal isn't to convert people into the lifestyle, but rather show them that it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time and still enjoy a healthy relationship.
No matter how many judgmental looks their lifestyle gets, Jay, Ty, and Sony only want to live their best lives together.
Cover photo: Screenshot / Instagram / bhgpolylife