Last minute Christmas gifts on the fly

USA – If you haven't snagged your gifts for the season, it's not too late for these on-the-fly gift ideas!

With Christmas Day right around the corner, you have a limited amount of time left to get gifts, and limited options on what you can get.
With Christmas Day right around the corner, you have a limited amount of time left to get gifts, and limited options on what you can get.  © 123RF/belchonock

You've successfully procrastinated getting gifts until quite literally the last minute, but know if you show up on Christmas Day empty-handed, you'll be greeted with eye rolls, heavy sighs, and half-hearted, "No worries."

We all know the reason for the season isn't the gifts, but that doesn't make it any less awkward to be the odd man out.

Whether you're on a tight budget, or simply haven't had a spare moment to even think about trendy gifts or Christmas altogether, don't fret!

There are many gift-giving options still available to you that won't read as if you scrambled through that one overstuffed drawer in your house for a gag gift.

Rather than apologizing profusely for not gifting your loved ones anything this Christmas due to severe procrastination, opt for one of these four last-minute gift ideas to make spirits bright.

Gifting the Christmas way

Gift cards, concert tickets, merch, and Cameo videos are great last-minute gift ideas this holiday season.
Gift cards, concert tickets, merch, and Cameo videos are great last-minute gift ideas this holiday season.  © Collage: 123RF/zsolti1234 & belchonock

Concert tickets
Live music is back, and there's never been a better time to invest in some concert tickets for a loved one. If you know their favorite music artists, run a quick Google search to see if they're on tour and stopping either in their city or somewhere close to it. Perhaps there's a band you and a loved one both vibe to that's coming through either of your cities.

If concerts aren't their thing, snag some tickets to a sporting event or movie tickets to a bougie. full-service movie theater. Since most tickets are mobile-only, you might want to pick up – or make – a Christmas card for them to toss a printed version of the ticket receipt and a note into to further clue them in.

Cameo videos
If you want to have something to show for on Christmas Day that's a bit more innovative and highly personalized, check out Cameo – an online service that lets people hire celebrities or well-known influencers of sorts to create personalized videos.

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Though most celebrities have a seven-day turnaround time, you can search through the personalities who promise a 24-hour delivery, such as Perez Hilton, Tony Hawk, and even Michael Fractor from Netflix's new reality series, Twentysomethings: Austin.

Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a printed-out image of their favorite artists' merch you didn't quite order in time for a pre-Christmas Day delivery, but still managed to purchase it before meeting up with friends and family.

However, a piece of paper indicating the best is yet to come in the form of overpriced band T-shirts, hoodies, or sweats will undoubtedly cause a smile to emerge on their face. After all, music fans love band or artist merch – especially when they don't have to pay for it.

Gift cards
Some people have a serious beef with gift cards and their lack of creativity. In reality, it's arguably the most thoughtful gift you can grace someone with.

Rather than spending money on something you think is stellar only to watch someone else unwrap it in quite the underwhelmed manner, give them the gift of choice at their favorite stores.

The best part about these gifts is the fact that you don't have to face the pre-holiday pandemonium to purchase any of them. If that's not a Christmas miracle, we don't know what is.

Cover photo: 123RF/belchonock

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