Bad hangovers? Krill oil might be the cure

Seoul, South Korea - Krill oil might be the ultimate pre-drinking hangover remedy.

Consuming krill oil before drinking might reduce some common hangover symptoms.
Consuming krill oil before drinking might reduce some common hangover symptoms.  © Collage: REUTERS / EITAN ABRAMOVICH / AFP

Hangovers are the worst, but new research indicates that consuming krill oil before your first drink reduces the next-day symptoms associated with hangovers.

According to a study published in The Journal of Functional Foods, researchers at Seoul's Sejong University found that people who took a 1,000-mg dose of krill oil before drinking the equivalent to four pints of beer were less nauseous and dehydrated the next day.

The participants in the study were given one of three solutions 30 minutes before drinking: a 1000-mg shot of krill oil, a placebo, or a commercial hangover-busting beverage.

Those who took the krill oil shot reported lower levels of thirst and feelings of nausea after drinking.

The scientists believe that this is due to krill oil's antioxidant-rich nature. The oil, which is made from shrimp-like crustaceans found in the oceans, is also packed with omega 3 fats.

They think that krill oil is effective at reducing the symptoms of a hangover because it interrupts how the body breaks down alcohol by stopping it from producing acetaldehyde – a by product of drinking that researchers think causes hangover symptoms like dehydration and nausea.

Though the participants who took the krill oil shot reported lower levels of these two symptoms, they didn't see reduced severity to other common hangover symptoms like headaches and sensitivity to light.

Those looking to cash in on the healing powers of krill oil can find it at many grocery stores and or supplement shops.

Cover photo: Collage: REUTERS / EITAN ABRAMOVICH / AFP

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