Follow this simple trick and fall asleep much faster!

Internet - Trouble falling asleep? Doctor Jess Andrade has a tip that is so simple it's brilliant.

Doctor Jess Andrade shares tips for better sleep on her TikTok channel.
Doctor Jess Andrade shares tips for better sleep on her TikTok channel.  ©

Wearing socks to bed is definitely a controversial topic for many couples. But what may be less than sexy to many actually works miracles when it comes to sleeping.

At least that's what medical professional Jess Andrade claims in one of her most recent TikTok videos.

"So wearing socks makes your feet warm and this opens up the blood vessels that cools the body down," she explains.

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"The body being cool tells the brain that it's time for bed. So actually people who wear socks tend to fall asleep faster."

More than 18 million users have already watched the short video. However, not everyone is taking Andrade's advice to heart.

"People who wear socks to bed are serial kills.. Prove me wrong," one TikTok user commented, and another wrote, "Don't listen to her, she's one of them!"

Only a few were able to confirm the success of Andrade's tip.

But don't worry! If you are one of those people who simply detest wearing socks to bed, the doctor has an alternative up her sleeve. Those who prefer to sleep barefoot should try the 10-3-2-1-0 method.

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Most importantly: avoid using technical devices right before going to bed. (stock image)
Most importantly: avoid using technical devices right before going to bed. (stock image)  © 123RF/Dmitrii Shironosov

This is a simple but, according to Andrade, effective method to help you fall asleep.

All you have to do is follow five simple rules:

  • Avoid caffeine for at least 10 hours before going to bed.

  • Do not eat or drink alcohol three hours before bedtime – this can also help reduce acid reflux.

  • No more work – or homework – two hours before bedtime.

  • Turn off devices such as cell phones, laptops, and screens in general one hour beforehand.

  • Zero stands for how often you are going to hit the snooze button the next morning – not once.

The most important thing, however, is to avoid using gadgets right before going to bed. Especially smartphones are real culprits for worsening sleep quality.

Not only does it take longer to fall asleep, but sleep quality suffers significantly because the brain is constantly on alert.

Cover photo: 123RF/Dmitrii Shironosov

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