What's the boozy beverage of the summer for your star sign?
Cheers to summer! There's nothing better than getting a drink that tastes so right it doesn't just brighten your mood, but it also lifts your soul. If you're not sure which drink can do all that, why not base your boozy beverage order on your star sign?

Summer is for scrumptious sipping with friends in the fresh air.
You need a drink that's going to blow away all your problems and frustrations like a cool breeze on a hot day.
But if you're tired of making decisions or are lacking inspiration, why not let your star sign pick your poison in your summer drink horoscope?
After all, those born under earth signs may be drawn to different tastes than those born under fire, water, or air signs.
Let your wild decision to let astrology drive your drink choice be a conversation starter. Who knows, you might just attract your soulmate!
Even if this method doesn't make Eros strike, you'll still find a summer drink to make life a little more peachy.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Rosé
The celestial powers that be are pushing you to slow your fiery roll for a hot minute. You need to chill, so take a beat with a crisp, cool glass of Rosé. You're self-confident enough to know that the color of your drink doesn't make you any less bold. Get your friends together and dish about the day while sipping those worries away.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Frozen gin and tonic
You've got parties galore to throw and go to these days. As a generous bull, you know a good bash needs a conversation-starter, preferably in the form of an interesting drink. But time is not on your side. Get yourself some cans of gin and tonic, pour them into some freezable Tupperware, and throw them in the icebox. Once the crystals form, slush that stuff up. You'll get out some frustration and have a delightful drink that is sure to wow.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Vodka lemonade
Gemini, you are digging this productive season. You're ready to smash the lemons of the past few months right into your cup and make a super sweet lemonade. But don't stop there. Make that an adult lemonade worthy of celebrating the completion of your to-do list. Don't be shy about adding a healthy splash of vodka.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Hurricane
You want fireworks! You want action! You need the immediately Instagrammable hurricane to lift you up! This is the perfect bad boy cocktail of the summer. It's like you. It's got a light and dark side – of rum, that is. These are mixed with lime, orange, pineapple, and passion fruit juice along with a bit of simple syrup and grenadine. They're sweet and tangy, just like you, Cancer.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Paloma
Bold lions should relax with a bold drink. A paloma has bright bitter grapefruit juice, simple syrup, water that sparkles like your personality, and tequila, of course. Sip the flavors of the sun, and let the cocktail sooth your wild soul and help you recharge your fiery energy.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Dirty Shirley
You're a sucker for anything that makes you look cultured, and per the New York Times, this is the drink of the summer. Besides, you're one of the more nostalgic star signs, so the adult version of the fancy kids' classic is just your style. All you need is Sprite on ice, bright red grenadine, a shot or two of vodka, and a maraschino cherry on top. This drink is just as sweet and dirty as you.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Light beer
You believe in balance and have an appreciation for the real classics. Others may find it a bit bland, but you know the power of a cold beer on a hot day. The bubbles tickle your tongue and have their own kind of romance. You might be an air sign, but nothing is going to blow you away like an ice-cold beer.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Lynchburg Lemonade
Intensity is your middle name, so you need a summer drink with a similar punch. A Lynchburg Lemonade is just what the doctor ordered. Just like whiskey, you've got depth and can be a bit dark, but you're a straight shooter. Like lemon, you don't care what people think of you.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Mezcal Mule
Mezcal is a very old agave spirit. It's unique, and it's the only booze that will satisfy your endless curiosity. But the mezcal itself isn't enough. You want a twist on a classic mule because there is never anything wrong with a bit more of the good stuff.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Hard seltzer
Getting stuff done is your jam. Capricorn, you know there's nothing better than cracking a cold one when you finish a project or a hike. Cans travel better than bottles of wine. Ever the practical one, your summer drink is easy to carry and chill. Plus, it has pleasant bubbles. If you are feeling adventurous, get a hard seltzer variety pack.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Dark and Stormy
Your mystery is what draws people in, much like this rum drink with a ginger bite. As an air sign, you like drinks with carbonation. How else can a social butterfly like you with optimism to share take flight?
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Fruit wine
You are very aware of those around you and love to connect. When wine flows and conversations carry you to unexpected places, laughter and spontaneity lift you up. A fruit wine is something special and different, just like you.

If your looking to get lit this summer, let your star sign lead the way with these delicious drinks!
Cover photo: 123RF/ belchonock