How to make the perfect quiche: Recipe

The humble quiche is an absolutely delicious and flavor-packed dish that's neither hard to make nor hard to consume. How do you make the perfect quiche? Is it as hard as it looks? Find out in our recipe.

The humble quiche is one of the greatest dishes in the history of the world.
The humble quiche is one of the greatest dishes in the history of the world.  © Unsplash/Odiseo Castrejon

Packed full of eggy goodness, quiche is one of those foods that can either be absolutely delicious or absolutely disgraceful. With many different versions out and about, it's also a remarkably versatile and interesting dish that can be served alongside many sides and in many different shapes, sizes, and contexts.

What makes the perfect quiche, though? How do you make one that's truly great? In our homemade quiche recipe, discover how.

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How to make the best quiche ever: Recipe

There are very few dishes more guaranteed to bring the masses than a good quality quiche. This homely meal, chock full of flavor and healthy ingredients, is an absolute must-know for any home cooks who want to be able to throw together something flavorful and delicious for the whole family. Don't be afraid – it's easier than it looks!

This is the equipment you are going to need if you want to make a quiche:

The equipment required for quiche is, other than the tin in which it sits, all pretty standard. You should be able to make a quiche with the basic equipment you have in your kitchen.

A good quiche is a little bit crispy, and incredibly soft and delicious in the center.
A good quiche is a little bit crispy, and incredibly soft and delicious in the center.  © Unsplash/Timothy Muza

Quiche recipe | Ingredients

Most people will use a simple store-bought pie crust when making their first quiche, and you can't blame them. Still, it's actually really easy to make pastry and not something that should be feared at all. The ingredients are cheap, the technique is straightforward, and you really have nothing to worry about.

Here are the ingredients you will need to make a homemade quiche:

  • For the pastry:
    • Flour, 3 cups
    • Butter, 1/2 cup
    • Shortening, 1/2 cup
    • Cold water, 3/4 cup
    • Pinch of salt
  • For the filling:
    • 5 eggs
    • Milk, 1 cup
    • Goat's cheese, 1 cup
    • Bacon, 1/2 cup
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • Salt
    • Pepper

On the proportions: This recipe should make enough for one large 9-inch quiche. If you want to make more or less, simply adjust the quantities listed in a proportional manner.

Quiche recipe | Instructions

It's not hard to make a good quiche, so don't worry too much.
It's not hard to make a good quiche, so don't worry too much.  © Unsplash/James Harris

While it might seem like a bit of a hassle, making a quiche is not nearly as hard as it seems. In fact, this is a great meal to make with the kids on the weekend as it is time-consuming and a bit like a Lego creation, with many steps, all of which are easy. Give it a go – we assure you it'll be a great time.

Here's how to make a great homemade quiche

Making the pie crust

Step 1: Having combined the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl, cut the butter and shortening into the mixer using a fork. You want to combine the two by cutting them together so that they look a bit like oatmeal, in small chunks but with no raw flour left floating about the place.

Step 2: Cool down your water so that it is near-freezing but not frozen, and then slowly drizzle the water into the flour mixture. You want to do about a tablespoon's worth each time while using a rubber spatula to mix it into the crumbed flour-butter-shortener mixture.

Step 3: Once you have finished adding all the water and it has formed a rough dough, flour a surface in your kitchen and start working on it. You don't want to go for a full-on kneading but a thorough set of folds that form a cohesive ball of pastry dough.

Step 4: Wrap your dough ball in cling wrap and let it sit for about 3–4 hours. Once it has rested, flour a work surface and roll it out. Using a rolling pin, form it into a large circle, about 14 inches in diameter and 1/6 of an inch thick.

Step 5: Drape the pastry over your pie tin and shape it into the tin (which has been greased). Cut off any bits that have sagged off the edge.

Step 6: Par-bake in a 356°F oven for about 15 minutes, using pastry weights on the base.

Making the filling and finishing the quiche

Step 7: Fry off your bacon and prepare all of your chopped ingredients. They don't need to be diced super fine, just enough that they won't be too chunky in the quiche.

Step 8: In a large bowl, beat your eggs, milk and seasoning until all of it is a uniform color (no whites or yolks visible). Add your chopped and pre-fried ingredients, as well as your cheese, and mix it all together.

Step 9: Having par-baked the pastry, pour your mixture into the center and fill it up, making sure to leave about a 1/3 of an inch between the top of the mixture and the top of the pastry.

Step 10: Bake in the oven at 356°F for 50 minutes or until the center of the quiche is totally set. Once removed, make sure that it is left to sit for at least 15 minutes before slicing.

As you can see, the most difficult part of this process is making the pie crust itself. If you really don't have the time, feel free to use a frozen alternative – but it won't be as good!

There are tons of variations on the humble quiche, and most of them are delicious.
There are tons of variations on the humble quiche, and most of them are delicious.  © Unsplash/Micheile Henderson

Fantastic alternative quiche fillings

There are tons of fantastic fillings that you can play around with in your homemade quiche. Indeed, nothing is forbidden here as long as it is savory and can be paired with eggs. You can go crazy and experiment with all sorts of different flavors, but let's be real, you probably want a few recommendations to try out first, don't you?

Here are our favorite alternative quiche fillings:

  • Asparagus, ricotta, prosciutto
  • Bacon and onion
  • Leek and goat's cheese
  • Feta, tomato, basil
  • Chorizo and sweet potato
  • Smoked salmon, dill, pesto
  • Ham and spinach

Quiche is a great option for anyone looking to host lots of people. It's something that's relatively easy to make, packed full of flavor, and can be cooked in bulk. What's not to love?

Cover photo: Unsplash/Odiseo Castrejon

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