How to make the perfect espresso martini: Recipe

With a beautiful layer of crème sitting carefully on top, balancing a few crunchy coffee beans, it goes without saying that the espresso martini is the queen of cocktails. With our recipe, though, things can only get better.

The espresso martini doesn't have to be a bar-only drink – you can make it at home too!
The espresso martini doesn't have to be a bar-only drink – you can make it at home too!  © Unsplash/Krists Luhaers

There is something remarkable about the flavors, textures, and looks of the espresso martini, a drink so endlessly delicious that you could eat one after the other, getting gradually more drunk as you go.

It is quite possibly one of the best cocktails in the world and not something to be scared of.

Indeed, with our delicious and easy espresso martini recipe, we'll show you how to make a flavorful and friendly cocktail.

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How to make the ultimate espresso martini

When making an espresso martini at home, there is one absolutely essential rule that must always be followed: High quality coffee must be the centerpiece of your delicious creation. Now, we understand that you might not have an easily accessible espresso machine on-hand, but that doesn't mean you can't use something similar at least close in its quality.

So, with that in mind, these are the pieces of equipment you are going to need when making an espresso martini:

A great espresso martini ultimately comes down to the ingredients you use and the way that you use them. Luckily, we've got you covered in that department.

Espresso martinis aren't hard to make and don't require many ingredients.
Espresso martinis aren't hard to make and don't require many ingredients.  © Unsplash/Misunderstood Whiskey

Best espresso martini recipe | Ingredients

The great thing about the espresso martini is that, apart from the coffee, most of the other ingredients are pretty standard cocktail ingredients. Of course, the better quality your ingredients are the better the taste and texture will be, but in the case of the espresso martini, if the coffee is good then the martini will likely still be good.

Here are the ingredients you need to make an espresso martini:

  • Coffee beans, 0.63 ounces
  • One shot of vodka, 1 oz
  • One shot Kahlua, 1 oz
  • Water (for espresso)
  • Ice
  • Optional: 3-4 individual coffee beans, for garnish
  • Optional: Sugar or simple syrup, to taste

On the proportions: The quantities included in this recipe are meant for the making of one single espresso martini, served in a tall glass. If you want more, you need to adjust the quantities listed in a proportional manner. Ultimately, though, we still recommend making one at a time, for consistency’s sake.

Best espresso martini recipe | Instructions

There are few cocktails more packed full of flavor than the humble espresso martini.
There are few cocktails more packed full of flavor than the humble espresso martini.  © Unsplash/YesMore Content

The process by which you make an espresso martini is neither time-consuming nor difficult. As a result, if you've got a decent coffee machine and the right equipment, you can whip up a bunch of these in no time at all. Make sure to figure out your coffee setup before you begin, though.

Let's take a look at how to make the perfect espresso martini at home!

Step 1: Prepare your shot of coffee, making sure to yield at least an ounce of liquid, with a good layer of crème at the top. If you are using a non-espresso method, try to brew it as strong as you possibly can, with fine coffee grounds.

Step 2: Into the mixer, add about 3-4 of your ice cubes, enough to cool it all down but not dilute the drink. Give it a shake to cool the container down and then drain any melted liquid.

Step 3: Add all of your ingredients, including the coffee shot. Shake it very vigorously for about 30 seconds, so that it is thoroughly mixed and seriously foaming.

Step 4: Once the beverage has been nicely shaken and is super cold, pour it through your strainer carefully into a pre-chilled martini glass, making sure to allow a layer of foam to form at the top.

Step 5: Garnish your espresso martini with a few little coffee beans. Enjoy!

There are few things more delicious than an ice-cold espresso martini late at night with some friends, especially after a tasty meal. Luckily, as you just witnessed, it's not even that hard to achieve!

If you're having a dinner party, it's time to break out the espresso martinis.
If you're having a dinner party, it's time to break out the espresso martinis.  © Unsplash/Anima Visual

What is an espresso martini, what is its history?

An espresso martini is simply a mixture of espresso, some kind of coffee liqueur, and vodka. Chilled and shaken in ice, it is characterized by a beautiful dark brown liquid that contrasts with the foamy cream head that forms on its top. The cocktail is served in many bars around the world nowadays, and is typically garnished with a few whole coffee beans.

Unlike most cocktails, we can actually attribute the espresso martini to a specific bartender – London's Dick Bradsell. Credited as a revolutionary in the cocktail-making world that made his name in 1980s London, Bradsell originally invented the drink as a way to simultaneously get students drunk while waking them up.

As with many such stories, there is a lot of controversy around its legitimacy and whether the drink's origin is as it seems. Whether or not Dick Bradsell should be credited, we sure as heck are happy that this drink was invented!

What should I eat with my espresso martini?

The espresso martini is a cocktail for all occasions, no matter the meal or snacks.
The espresso martini is a cocktail for all occasions, no matter the meal or snacks.  © Unsplash/Bree Pudney

Ultimately, an espresso martini is a drink to be had at a bar or after a meal at a restaurant, and not something that you would typically pair with food. If you had to, though, we would recommend going for something sweet which pairs nicely with the coffee flavor. In other words – something deeply flavored, malty, or even a tad chocolatey.

Here are some great foods to eat alongside your espresso martini:

  • Tiramisu
  • Chocolate cake
  • Different chocolates
  • Mousse
  • Chocolate pudding
  • Biscuits or cookies
  • Crème brûlée
  • Pavlova
  • Baklava
  • Panna cotta
  • Cheesecake
  • Mochi
  • Churros

Espresso martinis are incredibly delicious, and they're pretty easy to make as well. So stop throwing in the towel and opting for boring beer, and try something new instead. After all, who doesn't love coffee with alcohol?

Cover photo: Unsplash/Krists Luhaers

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