TikTok fitness guru gets real and shows everyone what her body really looks like
UK – Fitness influencers often cast a light of perfection on their bodies, and rarely post non-posed, unedited photos. But TikToker Jeni Honeyman switched up the game and showed her body in its least flattering light.

You hear it all the time: perfection isn't possible. There's no such thing as a flawless body and there likely never will be. That's what makes humans human, after all.
Fitness influencers tend to challenge that notion, only posting pictures or videos that feature washboard abs and poses that make their backsides look beyond booty-licious.
But Even the fittest person has less flattering angles and days – they just rarely display them for the world to see, and possibly critique.
Sometimes, getting a dose of reality from your favorite influencer is all you need to keep your eyes on your fitness prize without feeling overwhelmed or ashamed. That's the approach Jeni Honeyman took when she posted a TikTok, showing a side-view of her bloated stomach at different times throughout the day.
The video serves as a reminder that bodies naturally changes shape throughout the day, particularly your stomach, but it's not an indicator that you're doing anything wrong on your fitness journey.
It's just human biology. When your body consumes calories or water, it naturally expands, or bloats. As Honeyman's video showed, by the end of the day, your stomach might look much larger than it did in the morning.
Normalizing bodies of all shapes and sizes was a major part of 2020 as people began packing on pandemic pounds. Being body-positive isn't just dedicated to those who are of average or overweight size; it's for fit people, too.
Throwing out the unrealistic ideal of perfection is your best bet at living a healthy life with a body you love.
Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/jenfit_uk