Brazilian's obsession leads her on a booty-licious journey to the biggest bum in the world
Brasília, Brazil – A 35-year-old woman is on a mission to have the biggest butt in the world – and she wants it to be au naturel!

For the last 11 years, Vanessa Ataídes has been putting the work in daily to build the biggest butt the world has ever seen.
Unlike many celebrities, the Brazilian is going about crafting the body of her dreams through hours in the gym and a squeaky clean diet.
Her obsession began at the age of 24 when Ataídes first started working out, and had one goal in mind – to increase her booty size every single day.
Anyone with a 49-inch behind is prone to constant stares and double-takes when in public, and it's something Ataídes absolutely adores. In an episode of Hooked On The Look, she said, "To have an exaggerated bum is great because people look at me. I like arriving somewhere and having everyone's attention".
Her journey to the biggest behind hasn't always been all-natural. Ataídes admitted she dabbled around with injectables, but has now opted to get the results she wants through diet, exercise, and natural supplements.
Her nutrition, is specifically tailored to help grow her backside, with egg whites galore and plenty of red meat.
The road to self-love
A strict diet helps get results, so Ataídes recruited a personal nutritionist who has the guided her to overcoming plateaus in her booty-building progress.
She regularly shows off her "enlarged assets" to her 23,000 Instagram followers, most of which admire her hard work. But with any amount of love there's bound to be hate sprinkled in, and Ataídes isn't immune to receiving backlash.
"There are some who think it's cool, but others who don't like it – even though they follow me. They follow you to criticize you", she said.
Having the biggest butt in the world is something Ataídes believes it will be "so satisfying", and something that makes her feel happy, hot, and beautiful all at once.
Cover photo: Screenshot / Instagram / byvanessaataidess