Teenage boy suspended for wearing nail polish at school launches viral petition

Clyde, Texas - After getting in-school suspension for wearing nail polish, one openly gay student spoke out against discrimination and started a petition.

At this school in west Texas boys are not allowed to wear nail polish or make up (stock image).
At this school in west Texas boys are not allowed to wear nail polish or make up (stock image).  © 123rf/ 5second

Trevor Wilkinson is 17 years old. He lives in the small town of Clyde, around 135 miles west of Fort Worth, Texas.

Trevor goes to Clyde Consolidated Independent School and the Monday after Thanksgiving break, he was sent to in-school suspension (ISS) for wearing black nail polish with a colorful flame pattern.

At Trevor's school it is against the dress code for men to wear nail polish or make up, according to NBC and the school's student handbook. If an administrator determines that someone is violating the dress code, the student in question "will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school." If they refuse, they can be give in-school suspension for the rest of the day or until they change out of whatever is violating the code.

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Even after being hit with the suspension, Trevor did not back down. On the contrary, he decided to go public with his story. On Twitter, he accused his school of sexism and homophobia.

Trever's Tweet

Trever starts a petition and it goes viral

This is the nail polish that sent Trevor to ISS.
This is the nail polish that sent Trevor to ISS.  © screenshot/ www.change.org/ Trevor Wilkinson

The teen started an online petition to tell his story and raise awareness.

In it, Trevor described his experience: "I got ISS (in school suspension) for having my nails painted. I was told that I will continue to get ISS until I take them off. It’s a complete double standard because girls are allowed to paint and get their nails done."

He hoped that people would sign the petition, which calls on the school to change its policy .

Trevor also told NBC that he thinks the rules are discriminatory and very outdated. "It's really sad to me because I feel like it's 2020 and we should be progressing and not taking steps back." He said that the situation makes him sad. "I know that there are other people who feel like this and feel like they can't express themselves and that they never will be able to because of people like this, who are not open-minded enough to see another perspective."

The school issued a statement saying that they would not comment on specific students' situations. But the statement did say that the dress code is reviewed and considered annually and that the parents and students are given a copy at the beginning of the year.

According to NBC, Trevor met with the vice principal and the principle, and they told him that he would remain in ISS until he removed his nail polish. Trevor said "I'm not taking off my nails and I'm staying in ISS because it's completely wrong."

Meanwhile, his petition is gathering steam and is well on its way to reaching its goal of 75,000 signatures.

Cover photo: screenshot/ www.change.org/ Trevor Wilkinson

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