Kate Moss' sister won't let criticism stop her from pursuing her dream

Los Angeles, California - The little sister of supermodel Kate Moss is definitely not shy when it comes to posing for Instagram!

Lottie Moss poses nude on her Insta account.
Lottie Moss poses nude on her Insta account.  © Instagram/Screenshot/lottiemossxo

Lottie Moss (23) has been raising concerns among family, friends, and not least her modeling agency Storm for a while thanks to her shift in image.

Only recently, she caused a stir with new nude pictures on her Instagram account.

All the appeals from her agency and other acquaintances for her to stop apparently amounted to nothing.

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Lottie Moss followed up on Friday by posting another nude pic on her Instagram account, apparently from the same shoot, this time gifting her 342,000 fans with a close-up.

The model shares even more explicit content on her Dream account.

Under these circumstances, it might become more and more difficult for Lottie Moss to regain her footing in the serious modeling industry, but maybe that's not what she wants. Maybe she's looking for a change!

Cover photo: Instagram/Screenshots/lottiemossxo

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