Wife has sexy surprise for husband, but then another man walks through the door!
Internet - It makes you want to hide under the covers, even as a viewer: instead of seducing her spouse, this TikTok user accidentally appeared in skimpy lingerie in front of another man.

Maggie, who regularly publishes funny videos of herself and her husband under the username theblondebrewer, just wanted to make her sweetheart happy.
To do so, she decided to get dressed up in a very special outfit.
"I have this super cute lingerie and I thought it would be fun to put it on and wait for my husband to come home and get his reaction," the redheaded beauty explains, grinning nervously.
She then places the camera in her living room and drops her robe.
Then the door opens and a man enters the room – but to her horror, it isn't her husband – it's her father-in-law!
Although he actually lives quite a distance away, he works near the couple and spends the night with them from time to time. Maggie may now be regretting giving him a key!
Completely taken off guard by the sight of his daughter-in-law in lingerie, all that he can say is a horrified, "Oh s***, oh s***!"
Then he turned around and left the room in a panic, as an embarrassed Maggie called after him, "I didn't know you were gonna be home!"
TikTok users are horrified by the embarrassing lingerie fail!

The video, which already has more than 13.2 million views, provided TikTok users with a good dose of uncomfortable laughter.
"the second hand embarrassment i think i'm gonna pass out," wrote one horrified user, and another agreed: "Ohhhh my goodness I'd never come to a family dinner after this."
A third wrote, "it's kind of like 1000% embarrassing."
Other users somehow tried to make the best of the situation: "MY HAND FLEW TO MY MOUTH OMG IT LEAST IT WASNT YOUR OWN DAD LMAO."
There will probably be some more awkward situations coming up for Maggie – starting with an explanation for her husband.
Cover photo: Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshot/theblondebrewer