Parents' search for a "Cleaning Nazi" goes viral with their outrageous list of demands

Los Angeles, California - These parents take the cake when it comes to the list of demands they have for a nanny for their two young boys. A woman who applied shared the list of requirements that would be enough work for six people, as well as the stipulation the nanny had to be a "cleaning Nazi".

Hollis Jane Andrews could hardly believe her eyes when she glanced at this job description.
Hollis Jane Andrews could hardly believe her eyes when she glanced at this job description.  © Collage: Twitter/Screenshot/hollis_jane (2)

Young actor Hollis Jane Andrews shared two photos on Twitter last Thursday of a job description she was provided in 2013 after applying for a job as a nanny.

To this day, she simply can't believe what was written in that very weird two-page document.

Not only did the parents list a strict schedule from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM, with no more than 30 minutes per activity, but they demanded absolute silence in the house.

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It was a mystery how a nanny was to maintain that silence while also obeying another listed rule that if the children weren't laughing, they weren't happy – and they needed to be happy all the time.

"If the boys are at all noisy, take them OUT of the house," the description read.

To achieve this feat, the nanny should stick meticulously to the prescribed schedule and always actively engage with the children – splash around with them in the pool, run around the house with them, and play on the playground.

"YOU NEED TO BE FIT FOR THESE BOYS!" the parents wrote in all caps.

The children are not allowed to watch TV and the "Magical Nanny's" cell phone should always be switched off.

On Twitter, the actor shared the job description

Nanny to become "Cleaning Nazi" during nap time

The nanny was also responsible for teaching the children to brush their teeth multiple times a day, and making sure their parents weren't aware they were even in the house (stock image).
The nanny was also responsible for teaching the children to brush their teeth multiple times a day, and making sure their parents weren't aware they were even in the house (stock image).  © 123rf/ Iakov Filimonov

So far, these requirements sound stressful, but perhaps all of this would have been doable – if it weren't for the boys' nap time, which was scheduled between 12:45 PM and 1:30 PM.

During these 45 minutes, the nanny is literally required to turn into a "Cleaning Nazi."

Among other things, she is expected to empty the stroller, tidy the kitchen, vacuum the living room, tidy the children's rooms, do the laundry, take out the trash, and clean the bathroom during the allotted time. The list included 14 expansive points.

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If she somehow managed to get through all the chores before the boys' nap ended, she was not supposed to just rest, but must keep an eye out for more chores.

"If you can master all of this, then we have a happy house," read the document.

Twitter went crazy over the absurd description, with commenters pointing out, "If they’re eating eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast and steak or meatballs for lunch, why do they also need protein shakes before nap? I know that’s not the most pressing issue but like...are these toddlers Olympic weight lifters?"

"Bonafide psychopaths," commented another. "If they are not laughing they are not much therapy are these kids going to need to get over being raised like this?"

Hollis told commenters that the parents were offering just $13 an hour, but that money wasn't the reason she didn't take the job.

Cover photo: Collage: Twitter/Screenshot/hollis_jane (2)

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