"My kids are cousins": Mother of six shocks TikTok with family drama

Oaklahoma - It might seem unbelievable, but this woman's children are not only siblings, but also cousins!

Rachel (23) refers to her children as "couslings", which is a mix of cousins and "siblings", the English word for siblings.
Rachel (23) refers to her children as "couslings", which is a mix of cousins and "siblings", the English word for siblings.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/officially.the.rachel

A young mother has shared her story on TikTok about the makeup of her unusual family – and has caused quite a stir.

Rachel from Oklahoma does not seem to be ashamed of her complicated love life. Quite the opposite, in fact – she even jokes about it to millions on the internet.

In one of her latest TikTok videos, she confessed her curious story: The father of her first child was abusive and cheated on her.

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So she resorted to extreme measures to get revenge.

"I slept with his brother for payback and ended up pregnant," she wrote in the video.

"Now my kids are 'couslings,'" Rachel explained, a mix of the terms "cousins" and "siblings."

The 23-year-old had her second baby with the brother of her first child's father.

She now has six kids in total. In other clips, she's seen with a new man at her side, but it doesn't appear to be one of the two brothers.

Her video has amassed more than two million views and 235,000 likes since it's been posted.

"I cheated on you because you deserved it"

Even though she's garnering some criticism on the internet for her life choices, the mother of six seems to be an open book.
Even though she's garnering some criticism on the internet for her life choices, the mother of six seems to be an open book.  © Screenshot/TikTok/officially.the.rachel

There are thousands of comments on the video, in which a surprising number of TikTok users confess very similar situations in their own families.

It turns out that the "couslings" phenomenon doesn't seem to be all that rare.

Yet, in an amusing twist, the account for The Maury Show – a popular daytime TV show that tackles family drama through lie-detectors and DNA tests – commented on Rachel's video that it had never heard of the term.

Regardless, the Oklahoma native is taking advantage of the momentum of her viral hit, posting several new clips each day answering questions about her family. They also receive hundreds, if not thousands, of likes each.

In them, she continues to poke fun at the two brothers, and calls them "my first two dads," pointing to the fact that perhaps her younger children have different fathers as well.

"I cheated on you because you deserved it," she proclaims in another video.

She also points out the societal double standard when it comes to men having children with multiple partners versus when women do.

In other videos, however, she also states that she is a proud Donald Trump supporter and is against Covid-19 vaccinations – so her clips touch on other questionable views besides her family planning.

But no matter what you think of it all, one TikTok commenter found a fitting line for Rachel and her "cousling" kids: "As long as you and your kids are healthy, that's all that matters."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/officially.the.rachel

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