Mom encourages her autistic son to express himself through art – even if it makes a mess!
Phoenix, Arizona - Three-year-old Harrison regularly draws on the walls of his house and his mother doesn't mind one bit! His mom shared a heartfelt video that has gone viral about why she is so supportive of her son's art.

It's usually dread for most parents: after turning your back for one moment, white walls can be covered by colorful scribbles from toddlers.
But in one Arizona household, the situation has been a gift that keeps on giving.
Three-year-old Harrison began coloring on the walls of his parents' living room with crayons and, like most kids, was proud to be making his own art.
But surprisingly, instead of becoming upset or stopping him, his mother Linzy Taylor encouraged the habit.
"Harrison loves art," she said. "He loves to draw."
The reasoning for her patience and acceptance of her son's behavior is that Harrison is non-verbal and autistic, she explained in a TikTok video.
"We let him draw on the wall because we feel like it's his form of communication," Linzy said.
The moving video has gone viral and garnered over one million views – with many tuning in regularly to watch her parenting videos and the growing "Crayontastic" adventures.
Yet, despite her good intentions, Linzy has been slammed on TikTok by many commenters who called her a bad mom for not teaching important life lessons and criticized her for "allowing scribbling" to be a reason for damaging property.
The family has received an outpouring of support on TikTok

Linzy seems to be taking the pushback from her internet critics in stride and said that the look of the covered walls doesn't bother her.
In addition to being a mom, she is a comedian and actor, and often posts videos of herself in costume or playing with puppets to entertain her children, two of which she said are on the autism spectrum.
"It's really cool to see him express himself through his art," she said of her three-year-old.
The family has also received an outpouring of support from many who have offered to send drawing supplies to encourage Harrison's love of coloring.
The Arizona brood said they go through an entire box of crayons every other week and sometimes melt-down shorter crayons to re-use them. In response, Harrison's parents have set up an Amazon Wish List for donations and TikTokers have joked that Harrison should be sponsored by Crayola.
Many have suggested that the 25-year-old mom should teach Harrison to use drawing paper instead of using the house as an easel. And most often, she is told to convert the walls into washable canvases with chalkboard paint.
But Linzy said that it's the frequency of this suggestion, not her son's drawing, that really makes her feel like banging her head against the wall.
Cover photo: TikTok/Screenshot/theLinzyTaylor (2)