LinkedIn adds a new job title for full-time parents!

Sunnyvale, California - Great news for stay-at-home moms and dads: parents caring for their children and running their households full-time can now make these jobs legitimate on their LinkedIn résumés.

LinkedIn has added a new job title for stay-at-home moms and dads (stock image).
LinkedIn has added a new job title for stay-at-home moms and dads (stock image).  © 123RF/dolgachov

The professional networking site has introduced new job titles for working parents, including "stay-at-home" mom/dad/parent.

"Homemaker" and "caretaker," or simply "mom" or "dad" will also be options on its online résumé builder.

The updates are part of a larger effort by the networking giant to be more inclusive towards people who spend time away from the paid workforce.

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Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically women have seen themselves forced to leave professions and take care of their kids full-time.

Following an outcry by users claiming that careers are often not as linear as implied by the network, LinkedIn is reportedly also planning for a new "employment gaps" field.

This would allow users to choose from options such as "sabbatical," "personal leave" or "parental leave," LinkedIn spokesperson Suzi Owens told TODAY

The new features will be put into place over the next months.

Cover photo: 123RF/dolgachov

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