Cool mom comes up with clever idea to get kids to do chores

Internet - One mom turned her frustration into something much funnier that parents all over the world want to try.

A mother wants to teach her children manners in a loving way with the "Are you Kidding me?" meme. The stick figure clearly marks what needs to change.
A mother wants to teach her children manners in a loving way with the "Are you Kidding me?" meme. The stick figure clearly marks what needs to change.  © Collage: Facebook/MumJunkie

"Pick up your socks!" or "Take out your trash!" are common refrains in most households with children.

One user in the Facebook community Mum Junkie had enough of constantly repeating herself. In a Facebook post that went viral, she asked other moms, "Sick of the sound of your own voice? This is my new strategy!"

Using the power of the meme against her own children, the mom simply printed out copies of the "Are you kidding me?" meme featuring one absolutely fed-up stick figure.

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This mom no longer stops to put away the sock or candy wrapper! Just like a referee flagging players, she drops the card next to their error and moves on.

Her idea has been shared over 3,000 times across Facebook by parents who probably are more tired than ever before with their kids home during extended lockdown periods.

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The picture makes it clear: toothbrushes should be put away (l.), and empty wrappers should be trashed!
The picture makes it clear: toothbrushes should be put away (l.), and empty wrappers should be trashed!  © Collage: Facebook/MumJunkie

In the comments, other moms shared their own parenting tips.

One woman wrote that she would simply take pictures of objects that needed to be put away and text them to her child.

Another mother advised parents to pile all the trash next to the child's bed and hide any clothes left lying around. Eventually, when the child had nothing left to wear, they would learn out of desperation.

However, quite a few Facebook users said that strategy would never work in their family, as their children would either ignore the hints or sarcastically put more memes out in response.

There were still plenty of parents who wanted to try it out at least once.

Either way, the idea made a lot of people laugh, and the internet waits for a follow-up to know if the meme worked its magic.

Cover photo: Collage: Facebook/MumJunkie

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