Woman wants to have her ribs removed in pursuit of "plastic perfection"
Glasgow, UK – One woman's quest to create her idea of the perfect Barbie body led her to spend over $245,000. Now, she wants to take things up a notch and remove her ribs!

Amanda Love from Glasgow in Scotland is a self-proclaimed plastic surgery aficionado, and "no" isn't a word she hears often. But her most recent desire to have her ribs removed is something her husband Paul Sweeney been vocal against.
The first time the mother of four's first time under the knife was for a boob job at the age of 21. Sweeney said when they met, Love hadn't had any cosmetic work done. Three months into their relationship, she shared her interest in breast augmentation surgery and initially at least, he couldn't have been more supportive.
That's not to say he didn't find her unaltered body gorgeous as it was: "She was beautiful," Sweeney said, in an episode of the series Hooked on The Look.
The 44-year-old's two daughters, Teagan and Logan, felt the same way about their mom and insist all the aesthetic changes haven't affected Love's true nature. "Quite a lot of people think she's a bimbo, but she's not really. Even if she looks fake, she's still my mom," Logan said.
The list of treatments Love regularly has done include Botox and lip fillers. She also gets her nails done every two weeks and her roots touched up every to maintain her perfectly plastic appearance.
When does plastic surgery go too far?
The plastic surgery–obsessed woman isn't letting go of the scalpel just yet, with her latest idea of undergoing a rib-removal being her most extreme one so far.
The complicated procedure is part of a bigger plan, as the mom aims to cinch her waist as much as medically possible.
The ongoing yearning to have more work done is something her family sometimes finds it hard to understand, with Teagan saying, "Me personally, I don't think my mom needs to get anything done. I think she was beautiful before she got anything done, and every time she does get something done, I get upset about it, like, why are you doing that?"
Love's body is hers alone, and whatever she decides to do to it in the future, Sweeney and their four children will be right by her with all their love.
Cover photo: Screenshot / Twitter / Amanda_Lovelie