TikToker claims to have unmasked the Zodiac Killer in convincing viral series: "My grandpa is the Zodiac killer!"

Will the mystery of the Zodiac Killer finally be solved – via TikTok, of all things?! A TikToker has been claiming for over a month that his grandfather was in fact the ruthless murderer!

In a multi-part TikTok series, 35-year-old Jeremy Foy (r.) lists all the reasons why he believes his late grandfather Richard Hoffman (l.) was the Zodiac killer.
In a multi-part TikTok series, 35-year-old Jeremy Foy (r.) lists all the reasons why he believes his late grandfather Richard Hoffman (l.) was the Zodiac killer.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@jfoy_3.0

In a multi-part TikTok series, 35-year-old Jeremy Foy lists all the reasons why he believes his late grandfather, Richard Hoffman, was the infamous Zodiac killer.

For several years now, his grandfather's name has been thrown around by internet detectives as a possible suspect, which has only strengthened Foy's belief in Hoffman's possible involvement.

The videos, which have been clicked on almost 20 million times, contain detailed anecdotes from his childhood, physical similarities, and suspicious "evidence" that Foy claims to have discovered.

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He explains that his grandfather had worked as a police officer in Vallejo, California where the Zodiac murders took place – and that Hoffman himself had actually investigated the Zodiac case!

One of the clues Foy hinted at was that his grandfather's police reports had marked similarities to the Zodiac killer's letters.

Foy claimed that both Hoffman and the killer had poor spelling. For example, both spelled the word "until" with a double L ("untill.")

He also noted similarities in the poetic language used by both the Zodiac Killer and his grandfather.

This is just some of the evidence he summarizes in his many wildly popular videos on the subject.

TikToker Jeremy Foy is working on a documentary to prove his case against Richard Hoffman

Jeremy Foy has shown photos from Zodiac suspect Richard Hoffman's past.
Jeremy Foy has shown photos from Zodiac suspect Richard Hoffman's past.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@jfoy_3.0

Jeremy Foy also reports that he is currently working with a large team – including people who have been researching the case for over a decade – and hopes to finally solve the 50-year-old case.

He is also working on a documentary film, which is why he is currently not allowed to provide any further evidence in his videos.

Only time will tell whether the unsolved case can be solved once and for all.

The Zodiac Killer brutally murdered at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area between December 1968 and October 1969.

Over several years, the perpetrator sent bizarre letters to local newspapers, some of which were coded with symbols. He chose the name "Zodiac" himself, alluding to the astrological Zodiac symbol.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@jfoy_3.0

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