SWAT team hunts down suspect who stole a police car in a wild escape
Austin, Texas – An eight-hour manhunt has come to an end after Austin Police's SWAT team detained a suspect who evaded arrest in an APD squad car.

On Thursday, the male suspect in a burglary-turned-car-chase was apprehended by the Austin SWAT team after an eight-hour manhunt.
In a press conference on Thursday afternoon, Officer Michael Bullock from the Austin Police Department's public information office said the the suspect, who hasn't been named, was in custody and being transported to the Travis County Jail.
At 3:13 AM, law enforcement officers responded to a theft call at the Retreat Apartments, where the suspect was seen pulling mailbox doors open and stealing things.
When officers tried to approach the suspect, he fled on foot. The officers were able to catch up and take custody of the suspect, who allegedly continued to be combative with the officers.
He was then transported to a local hospital, as officers believed he was under the influence.
When negotiations fail, bring in the SWAT team

Upon release from the hospital, APD was set to transport the suspect to the Travis County Jail, but he managed to escape yet again, this time darting towards Ben White Boulevard.
Officer Bullock said the suspect was seen trying to stop cars on the highway in efforts to successfully flee the scene. When police approached him, he somehow managed to take off in an APD squad car. It's still unclear how he was able to do this.
After a brief car chase, the suspect abandoned the vehicle in a nearby neighborhood, where we went from house-to-house, looking for an open door or window.
With help from the community, APD pinpointed the specific house the suspect had barricaded himself into. Once the SWAT team and negotiators arrived at the scene, they evacuated the residents of the home and attempted to make contact with the suspect.
However, he remained uncooperative and refused to speak with the police or negotiators, and ended up escaping to two more houses. After his final hiding place was also evacuated, SWAT was finally able to make a safe arrest. The suspect had numerous warrants out for his arrest, including one for mail theft.
A shelter in place that had been ordered Thursday morning has been lifted.
Cover photo: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire