Did this rapper really cut off his roommate's penis?

Zaragoza, Spain - A Spanish rapper is facing assault charges for allegedly cutting off his roommate's penis!

Spanish rapper Aaron Beltran allegedly cut off his roommate's penis with a kitchen knife.
Spanish rapper Aaron Beltran allegedly cut off his roommate's penis with a kitchen knife.  © Bildmontage: YouTube/Screenshot/EL SANATORIO DEL ÁTICO

Aaron Beltran, who goes by the stage name Sanatorio del Atico, could face a prison sentence of four years and six months if convicted.

But did he even commit the crime?

As the New York Post reported, it was Beltran's 35-year-old roommate Andrew Breach himself who asked the rapper to do him the special favor.

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He wanted Beltran to amputate his manhood in front of a camera. The video would then be published on YouTube and depending on the success of the clip, Sanatorio del Atico would receive up to $3000.

No sooner said than done – "On the afternoon of March 8, just before 7:15 PM when both men were in the victim's bedroom, Andrew tied his pajama cord round the bottom of his penis to avoid hemorrhaging," the indictment reads.

"The accused, who was sat on a chair in front of him, cut his penis with a 12-inch kitchen knife which was never found because the accused got rid of it."

On YouTube, the rapper released his music

The penis was successfully reattached

The 35-year-old victim was then spotted covered in blood in front of his house by an officer. He said that he wanted to have his genitals severed because of gender dysphoria.

When Breach was later treated in the hospital, where his penis could be reattached, he told police that Beltran did the deed after he asked him to.

But even though prosecutors concede the act may have been consensual, they still hold Beltran criminally responsible.

On Monday, Breach then contradicted his statement that Beltran was responsible and claimed that he himself did the chopping. He claimed that he only blamed the rapper because officers had pressured him to do so.

Police denied his accusations.

Cover photo: Bildmontage: YouTube/Screenshot/EL SANATORIO DEL ÁTICO

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