YouTuber's creepy binocular prank almost leads to a fist fight in a hardware store
Internet - How would you react to being watched through binoculars by a stranger?

Todd Breese makes hilarious TikTok and YouTube videos, and he recently launched a particularly strange series. In these he stares at people in public with binoculars and films their reactions.
One video of a man confronting Todd has 17 million views. The guy freaks out when he realizes he is being watched.
In the clip, Todd is in a hardware store, staring at a man shopping a few feet away with his binoculars.
The man being watched and asks "Do you mind?" And when Todd doesn't react he comes closer and says "Go away." But Todd just keeps looking at the man through his binoculars. The man then gets all up in Todd's face. "Go away," he barks.
The man's words and movements continue to contradict as he keeps telling Todd to go away while getting closer and closer until he is just a few inches from Todd's face.
Todd doesn't move and the man gets angry

The situation escalates as the two argue about who needs to back up. Todd points out that the man came up to him. The guy tells Todd that he came up because Todd was looking at him with "spyglasses."
Then they both childishly stand their ground, each insisting that he's currently "looking at the sink" on a shelf. The man turns his back to Todd and pushes himself in front.
"Dude you're like trying to twerk that a** on me right now?" Todd suddenly shouts. The man is visibly horrified and tries to explain that he hadn't just brushed his bum up against the TikToker.
The man recovers, tries to take control of the situation again, and suggests they settle their disagreement outside.
Users react to the silly binacular antics
TikTok users thought the escalating exchange was hilarious. Many wrote things like: "I'm dying of laughter!" and "Lol." And other joked that was the beginning of a great love story.
But the guy in the hardware store wasn't the only person Todd made uncomfortable with his binoculars: there's a longer compilation of reactions to his prank and it's safe to say people don't like being stared at!
Cover photo: TikTok/Screenshot/Bildmontage/Toddbreese