This 97-year-old's reaction to a Christmas surprise is leaving TikTok users in tears

Canada - Christmas is anything but normal during the coronavirus pandemic, especially for elderly people in care homes. But a viral TikTok video shows how much a simple gift can help.

The 97-year-old Freda is happy about her stuffed tiger and holds on to him tightly.
The 97-year-old Freda is happy about her stuffed tiger and holds on to him tightly.  ©

In the heartbreaking video posted by TikTok user Beka Fitz, a 97-year-old woman named Freda reacts in the sweetest possible way to her Christmas surprise.

Freda has dementia and lives in a nursing home in Canada. This holiday season is particularly lonely, as health restrictions make it impossible for her relatives to visit.

But this only made Freda even more grateful for the stuffed tiger that she got from her caregiver.

In the clip, Freda holds her tiger tightly in her arms and asks incredulously where the stuffed animal came from. Beka explains that she got it from a shop and wishes her a merry Christmas. A tearful Freda thanks the nurse for her "beautiful" gift and then gives her tiger a heartfelt hug.

As she holds the toy in her arms like a little baby, the British-born woman says, "You see how much we miss loving somebody." If your eyes somehow managed to stay dry up until that point, that line should be enough to start the waterworks!

Freda makes thousands of TikTok users cry

The clip has a whopping 5.3 million views and 1.2 million likes.

One user wrote "this actually made me tear up," while another quipped: "My coffee has tears in it!"

Others just wanted to give Freda a cuddle: "I wish I could get her a hug! After a covid test of course!"

A popular comment summed everything up perfectly: "This completely broke my heart! Why do so many elderly people just get forgotten? Thank you so much for making their day and probably even their year!"

Meanwhile, Freda's caregiver Beka posted another video, in which the 97-year-old learns of her internet fame. The tiger is of course at her side!

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