How many camels is my girlfriend worth? TikTok trend gone viral
Internet - The latest TikTok trend is called #camelcalculator. This powerful piece of tech shows you how much your partner would be worth if they were sold for camels. So, how many camels is your girlfriend worth?

"How many camels is my girlfriend worth?" This is a calculation TikTok users have been eager to make. Is this the end of civilization as we know it, or just a fun new social media trend? Oh, and how do you get the most camels in camel calculator?
Thanks to a website called Camel Calculator, you can figure out how many desert animals your partner is worth with the click of just a few buttons.
How to get the most camels in camel calculator
To find out how many camels you or your partner is worth, all you need to do is share a few details with Camel Calculator. The questions are simple, and mostly consist of details like the calculated persons' height, eye color, and hair.
While body type must be specified for both male and female partners, a man's facial hair and a woman's breasts will also influence the final "price" that they fetch. The equation seems pretty simple: the taller the height, the bushier the beard, the bigger bosom, the higher the score.
Inevitably, of course, this has led to turn the camel calculator into a major trending hashtag, allowing users to compare their results in droves. If anyone wonders "How many camels is my girlfriend worth?", then they'll be able to compare their number with a variety of other women.
How many camels are you worth? How do you get the most camels in camel calculator, how many camels is the average woman worth? All of these issues are being discussed with gusto on social media.
TikTok is re-discovering the camel calculator, with people asking how many camels a woman is worth
In general, most people are worth between 12 and 110 camels. Men seem to generally be less valuable, with tall blonde and buxom women generally being worth the most. Some people have, unsurprisingly, been a tad offended by the concept - after all, they are literally being compared to livestock.
Despite the controversy, the website is as popular as ever and the trend is showing no sign of slowing down. According to The Sun, the sudden influx of visitors to the camel calculator site actually led to it crashing.
It's all a very sudden reversal of fortunes for the website's creators, who came up with the idea years ago but are only now started reaping the viral rewards.
Cover photo: Collage: TikTok/Smallex4ft11