How do you get more reach on Instagram?
Internet – No one is interested in your Instagram account? Instagram success consultants share crucial tips on how you can drive up your like and follower counts.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks out there, so how come you have so few followers?
Athletes, musicians, and influencers often have enormous numbers of followers and even make money with their posts.
Of course, that doesn't have to be the goal of your own account, but if you're hoping to collect a sizeable following, things shouldn't just stay stagnant. To start, you should at least be noticing a positive response from friends and family.
But how can you give your account more profile? Social media consultant Teja Adams says the most important thing is to have fun with it!
"Admittedly, this sounds like trivial advice, but your followers will notice whether you're enjoying your Instagram account or not," explains Adams.
Instagram can be very time-consuming if you want your account to grow and be successful.
Who is your account for?

As a second point, Adams suggests coming up with an account promise. This helps other users get an idea of what the account stands for and why they should follow it. "These can be very different things," says Adams, providing examples: "Do you want to use the account to provide information on everyday questions or solutions to problems, to inspire or to trigger emotions?" These are the questions you should be asking yourself.
The answer then leads to the next question: what's your target group? For a successful account, you need to know: "Who am I addressing with my content?" Adams suggests defining this target group as narrowly as possible: "The more specific the target group, the easier it is to inspire them and get them interested in your account."
This leads to the fourth point: content. Good pictures are one thing. However, Adams' advice to always provide some information or ask a question about each picture as well. "It's a good idea to tell a little story about the image," Adams says.
Each post should also be hashtagged. Adams recommends between three and ten, but they should really fit the topic of the post.
Post every day
Short videos with sound or music added to them, called Reels, were recently launched on Instagram. The new feature is a reaction to the success of TikTok. Just like Instagram Stories, however, Reels are not that important when it comes to building reach.
"Stories and Reels are for the followers you already have. Posts that appear in the feed are for the followers you want to get," explains Adams. Until you have your first 1,000 followers, you have to post new content continuously, about once a day. This is the only way to get a certain amount of attention in Instagram's Explore section.
The media expert also recommends being active on the platform beyond just posting. "Instagram rewards being active and interacting on the platform."
That means after posting you should like and comment on other posts, as this increases the reach of your profile.
Moral of the story? Like and post ahead!
Cover photo: Bild-Collage 123RF/Maxim Grebeshkov; Kaspars Grinvalds