The Bachelor's Women Tell All special was nothing short of a train wreck
Los Angeles, California – The women of The Bachelor didn't hold back when addressing Shanae Ankney or Clayton Echard during the Women Tell All special on Monday.

"From the bottom of my heart, f**k you, Shanae," Lyndsey Windham uttered at the start of the special, and truer words have never been spoken on season 26.
The fact that Shanae even showed up to the Women Tell All special is almost commendable, considering how widely despised she was by everyone on and off the show.
If host Jesse Palmer was better equipped to control this group of riled up ladies with a bone to pick with Shanae alone, maybe the special would've been easier to stomach.
Nevertheless, we were buckled up and dialed in for the wild ride and an exceptional display of denial.
After several Jerry Springer-like moments featuring five women at a time screaming at Shanae, the gaslighting queen of season 26 was brought to the hot seat.
To no surprise, the founder of shrimp-gate claimed innocence and doubled down on her manipulative antics.
Though she had every opportunity to clear her name and own up to her constant lies with encouragement from the ladies to do so, Shanae instead chose to deflect and place blame back on them – per usual.
But before the man of the hour Clayton Echard could come out and take the heat from the women, Sarah Hamrick was given the chance to address her alleged crocodile tears.
"The worst thing I could have done"

Though there wasn't the same amounts of screaming sent Sarah's direction as Shanae was forced to endure, she wasn't let off the hook.
But there was no time to waste when The Bachelor himself had yet to make his grand entrance in hopes of defending his blindness to red flags while getting hammered with questions by the ladies themselves.
Before getting into the nitty-gritty of Shanae's excessive manipulation, Clayton tried to save face by saying, "I did everything in those moments I thought was best."
He then attempted to paint his actions in a different light, like calling Shanae's trophy tossing fit "indefensible," which led one of the women to shout, "But you kept her and sent us home!"
But once it was time for Mr. Missouri to address Shanae directly, he won a few hundred brownie points for telling her, "As I watched it back, and to see you fake tears, and see you playing this game," he said, adding, "You manipulated the women, you manipulated me."
"I trusted you, I believed you, and it was the worst thing I could've done," Clayton told Shanae.
"I think it's really good that you're holding me accountable, I need that," Clayton told the other women, all while looking like the saddest Bachelor to grace the Women Tell All stage.
The episode ended with quite a teaser for the dramatic Fantasy Suites episode, where Clayton's slated to inform the final three he's in love with all of them, and "got intimate" with two of them.
In other words, it's the singular episode Bachelor Nation has been waiting for all season long.
Will Gabby Windey, Rachel Recchia, or Susie Evans cut their journeys short and leave Clayton hanging? Find out when The Bachelor returns for Fantasy Suites on Tuesday at 8 PM EST.
Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/elizabethccorrigan