Mid-season trailer for Marvel's What If...? teases deadly foes for next Avengers film
Burbank, California - The mid-season trailer from What If...? suggests new and unexpected villains for when the Avengers eventually return.

For those who've wondered if Earth's mightiest heroes will return – fear not!
It has been confirmed by Kevin Feige, President of Marvel studios, that the Avengers are definitely coming back, though it may be a while before the heroes can reassemble.
Currently, Marvel is in its Phase 4 storyline and has already begun releasing its projects that introduce the multiverse.
But fans have gotten a taste at just how crazy the universe can get. This leaves the door open for a plethora of enemies that could pop up in the untitled Avengers 5 flick.
However, Marvel's latest series, What If...? may be the biggest clue as to who could face off against the Avengers in the near future.
The mid-season trailer hinted that the animated counterparts of the Marvel characters will get bigger roles than expected.
Will the Avengers fight against each other again?

What If...? shows a parallel universe in which everything is switched.
At first, it was unclear just where the animated series was headed.
Now, it's becoming clearer just what role the story plays in the MCU.
So far, the series featured heroes being repeatedly killed off – RIP Tony Stark – zombies, and reformed evil doers.
Yet, the most shocking twist came in episode four, when Dr. Stephen Strange essentially turned evil.
The new teaser for the remainder of What If...? showed that the bad Dr. Strange, aka Strange Supreme, will still be around.
Thanks to what happened in the Loki season one finale, the multiverse is already running amok, as seen in the Spider-man: No Way Home trailer.
So if the multiverse can bring enemies from other dimensions, what's to stop it from unleashing the evil counterparts of the Avengers?
It wouldn't be the first time the team had to fight one another – remember Captain America: Civil War or the many times Hulk went rogue?
Phase 4 has already shown just how dark things are going to get.
With rumors swirling that the Doctor Strange sequel will be a horror flick, it's certainly possible that his dangerous doppelgänger will appear and could ultimately stay.
Cover photo: IMAGO / Everett Collection