Grab a tissue as the queens sashay back to their childhood on RuPaul's Drag Race!
Los Angeles, California - If you thought Friday's RuPaul's Drag Race would be the finale, you were oh-so-wrong. Episode 14 surprised us with tear-jerking childhood accounts, catchy verses, and a foursome save. And the queens didn't come to play, but to slay!

Granted, the last "Henny! I Shrunk The Drag Queens" episode was somewhat of a bore, but on Friday, the queens proved once and for all that none of the four are running out of steam anytime soon.
In between dancing and rhyming for the debut of Ru's new hit Lucky, the queens had a lot to unpack over a Tic Tac luncheon, and later again when Ru showed them photos of their childhood selves.
So much realness was almost unprecedented in one of the last episodes of the season, and Gottmik in particular carried the episode.
The queen gave the show permission to display a picture of herself pre-transition. The 24-year-old transgender man, who goes by the name Kade out of drag but prefers she/her pronouns for her drag persona, was asked what he would say to his childhood self.
His message was more than inspirational: "Those years of being uncomfortable in your own skin is going to make you grow an even thicker skin. You’re going to be able to look in the mirror and say 'I love you' and you’re going to take over the world."
While discussing the trans experience, including dead names, transitioning, and representation, Gottmik had us crying tears one minute and laughing the next.
His beaming confidence as the first trans man to appear on the show comes at a time when more than 80 anti-trans laws are being proposed all over the US. A trans role model is more welcome than ever.
During the show, Gottmik followed up with an emotional tweet that had people grabbing their tissues once again.
Tears and laughs on RuPaul's Drag Race
And the tears didn't stop there. Symone's message to her younger self was heart-and tear-jerking. She told herself that "people will make you think you cannot be Black and gay. That you cannot be feminine and successful, but that isn't true." All the while, tears were pouring down her on-fleek face.
Kandy Muse, as per usual, offered some comedic relief, charming and hilarious as we know her, while Baby Muse was just the cutest thing ever!
Rosé came in with a professional pep talk to her younger self, standing in stark contrast to the vulnerability the other queens showed throughout.
The queens go on to the "lucky" maxi challenge
Whether you like Ru's new track or not, the queens ate that song up with fun lyrics and a lot of dancing in four mono-chromatic-a rooms.
Mik’s verse was up first, and she radiated positive vibes while dressed in skin-tight blue lingerie. Her confidence in her own win might soon become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Kandy used her bit to announce that she was done coming out worst in group challenges – and while this was by far her best performance in group action, she couldn't outshine the other top three.
Rosé delivered a polished performance with a complicated choreography that appeared easy when done by her. But her near-perfect presence and persona might bore the jury in the end, as edits suggest she won't take the win home after all.
Meanwhile, Symone showed off her best queen-attitude and she didn't disappoint in an all-orange banger of an outfit.
All four dolls get to stay in the end. For now, it looks like it's going to come down to a race between Mid and Symone. Or perhaps, a double crowning?
Cover photo: collage Instagram/@thekandymuse