Bachelor in Paradise: The beach enters meltdown mode after a fan favorite gets denied
Sayulita, Mexico - Monday's episode of Bachelor in Paradise saw the beach go into meltdown mode after the franchise's most beloved contestant had their heart broken in tragic style.

When Kate Gallivan told just about anyone who would listen that she was having doubts about her relationship with Logan Jones because he couldn't afford an Equinox gym membership, we thought things couldn't get any stranger.
Then, when she proceeded to give him a rose after making him promise to "give" her "more," we were sure that'd be the highlight of the episode.
Yet, somehow, Eliza Isichei, Justin Glaze, and Rodney Mathews managed to take the cake after nearly everyone In Paradise convinced her that Rodney was the guy for her and advised her – rather aggressively, we might add – not to "f**k it up."
This led to Eliza living on the brink of an anxiety attack for nearly one day after she let the Influence of the others on the beach overpower the move she knew was right for her by giving Rodney a rose and subsequently sending Justin home.
As one would expect, Rodney was heartbroken when Eliza broke the news to him that she thought she made the wrong decision, and was therefore leaving Paradise to pursue Justin.
However, we're not totally sure why everyone else as sobbing about Rodney's heartbreak as if it was their own.
A very Bachelor in Paradise heartbreak
We get it: we also love Rodney and are definitely on team "Rodney for Bachelor," we're just saying the widespread waterworks were a bit over the top.
Though Eliza did leave Paradise to go find her man AKA Justin, if the brief snippet we saw was any indication, her untimely arrival at his front doorstep might be a little too late.
However, we won't know what really happens between the seemingly star-crossed lovers until Bachelor in Paradise returns next week on November 14 at 8 PM ET.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/ rodneymathews02 & elizaisichei