Bachelor in Paradise: A former villain plays the field while an emotional storm strengthens
Sayulita, Mexico - The latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise's eighth season saw the ladies struggle to explore new connections during "split week," while a fan favorite got hit by an emotional tropical storm.

The second Love Island-inspired twist came on Tuesday night during episode seven. The "OG" ladies were met with an equal opportunity to play the field with a group of new men away from the beaches of Paradise in what host Jesse Palmer dubbed "The Estates."
And it's a good thing, because a handful of the "OG" guys were not holding back from getting their flirt on with the new women who were to take their spots for a week. That is, aside from the gems that knew they had the real deal with their connections in Aaron Clancy, Andrew Spencer, and Brandon Jones – and we love them all the more for it.
With all the "shiny new toys" as Victoria Fuller said – AKA new single men for the ladies to distract themselves with – it's pretty obvious that no couple that existed before BIP's Casa Amor ripoff is safe.
However, the only woman from the original group that seemed to adhere to the lack of rules in Paradise – especially when most of the other guys seem to be fully exploring their options for their week apart – was Shanae Ankney, who Genevieve Parisi accurately called "The Bachelorette of Paradise" for exploring her options with her third guy of the season after running back to Logan Jones the first two times.
Which, we have to say, is not a move we would've made more than once. But while Shanae was living her best life and exploring new connections by way of tantric yoga with Tyler Norris, all the other "OGs" were struggling to let go of the connections they left behind on the beach.
And when we say struggling, we mean S-T-R-U-G-G-L-I-N-G.
Tropical storm Lace arrives at the beaches of Paradise
Honestly, we aren't totally sure why these ladies wouldn't even have fun on a flirtatious "we are in Mexico, let's live it up" level in the gorgeous pools – along with the gorgeous men – they've been gifted with at "The Estates."
Lace Morris decided she couldn't stand not knowing what her original connection Rodney Mathews was doing on the beaches of Paradise and opted to storm the shores like an emotional tropical storm, only to find Rodney went on a one-on-one with one of the (gasp) new girls.
Look: we know the days in Paradise feel like weeks, and the weeks feel like months. But it was truly mind-boggling to see how adamant some people were that it was their original connection or bust, even though some of the new men (hello, Olu Inajide!) are definitely worth their time.
What will happen when the groups are reunited after having a week apart to explore new connections? Find out when Bachelor in Paradise returns on October 24 at 8 PM ET on ABC.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/bachelornation & lacemorris3