SantaCon sleighed the streets of New York once again!

New York, New York - The naughty drunken Santas took over the streets of New York once again on Saturday!

SantaCon revelers have disrupted neighborhoods and overwhlemed bars in years past.
SantaCon revelers have disrupted neighborhoods and overwhlemed bars in years past.  © imago/Levine-Roberts

After a year of reprieve from the debauchery in 2020, SantaCon was out in full force on the streets of New York City this weekend.

The infamous annual event features mostly booze-filled 20-somethings dressed as Santa Claus as they bar crawl their way through Manhattan like a horde of stumbling Kris Kringle zombies, and leave only lucky survivors in their wake.

The holiday gathering is usually held in NYC on the second Saturday in December and attracts thousands in matching Christmas attire, while similar events are held throughout the month in cities around the country.

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As the official website explained, "SantaCon is a charitable, non-political, nonsensical Santa Claus convention that happens once a year to spread absurdist joy. "

This year, the Big Apple's event started at 10 AM EST on Saturday at the pedestrian plaza on Broadway between 39th and 40th Streets. It then infiltrated 46 locations from Midtown down to the East Village, where it eventually fizzled out in all of its inebriated splendor and stupor.

SantaCon's Twitter directed the gaggle

SantaCon participants have overwhelmed bars (l.) and public transportation stations (r.) during the annual festivities.
SantaCon participants have overwhelmed bars (l.) and public transportation stations (r.) during the annual festivities.  © Collage: IMAGO/Levine-Roberts

SantaCon's official Twitter account directed the gaggle on when to move from one watering hole to the next destination.

Entry to the crawl's special venues required a $13 donation to charity (though this year's recipients are currently unnamed), and offered additional perks such as a DJ, a bigger space to party, and a commemorative badge that proves donors belong on the nice list.

As the event is known for its participants' behavior being a bit more naughty than nice, the Santa Code urged participants to "respect the city" and set out the "The Six F's Of SantaCon." Among them: "Don’t F*** with cops, Don’t F*** with bar staff," and in keeping with the times, "Don’t F*** with NYC Vax Requirements" – newly added for 2021.

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In years past, the festivities have received push-back from overwhelmed neighborhoods and businesses, who say the revelers have destroyed property and disrupted the peace.

Some bars have gone as far as banning prospective customers who are dressed like the man in red on SantaCon Day, so organizers now encouraged participants to stick to designated spots on the crawl's official map.

The phenom remains one of the largest day drinking celebrations of the year and is both loved and loathed simultaneously by bar staff citywide.

Cover photo: imago/Levine-Roberts

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