Spider-Man: No Way Home delivers heartbreak and shocks in an emotional conclusion
Spider-Man: No Way Home ended the friendly neighborhood Spidey's teenage years and thrust him into adulthood in the most brutal way possible.

The long-awaited Marvel flick has finally arrived and it did not disappoint.
Tom Holland returns as the Marvel Cinematic Universes' neighborhood hero.
Immediately picking up after the events of Far Away From Home, the movie begins with the world learning Spider-Man's true identity.
The fallout of the leak leads to massive problems for the Peter.
Not only does he unwittingly become the most famous person in the world, but even his loved ones suffer from being associated with him.
Desperate to fix everything, Peter turns to his Avenger colleague, Dr. Stephen Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, for a way to make everyone forget who he was.
Little does he know that this one wish will lead to devastating events, but ultimately makes Peter finally grow-up and become the hero he's destined to be.
Warning! Some spoilers lay ahead!
Peter Parker finally matures as he grapples with choices

Peter's struggles with his two identities is the premise of the film as he finally understands that the true meaning of "With great powers comes great responsibility."
Previous teasers have confirmed that Peter screws up the multiverse by botching Dr. Strange's spell with his indecisiveness.
This leads to him coming face-to-face with some of Spider-man's biggest foes – but not the ones this version of Peter Parker has battled.
Strange explains that a few of these baddies who fought against other versions of Spider-man have come into their world because of Peter's mistake.
Now, villains such as Doctor Otto Octavius, Norman Osbourne/Green Goblin, and Max Dillon/Electro – reprised by Alfred Molina, William Dafoe, and Jamie Foxx, respectively – are running rampant looking for their versions of Spider-Man.
As the MCU's Peter rounds up all the bad guys, he's also faced with a moral dilemma, since each of these villains essentially died fighting the Spider-man of their own timelines.
The young Avenger, his girlfriend MJ, played by Zendaya, and his best friend Ned, portrayed by Jacob Batalon, all try to figure out a way to help these villains change their ways so they don't send them back to their deaths.
Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.
The Marvel flick fully justifies its 148-minute runtime by fully exploring the heartbreaking consequences of Peter's mistakes.
Major spoiler alert!

However, just as all hope seems to be lost, the young hero gets help and guidance from his two other counterparts.
Yes, as fans have long speculated, Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield do appear in No Way Home as their respective versions of the web slinger.
The two alternate-universe Spider-men encourage the MCU's Peter to not give up, each revealing their previous struggles and failures.
Not only does the film have plenty of heart, action, and a captivating storyline, it truly is a love letter to die-hard Spider-man fans.
Sacrifice, redemption, and bravery are all the themes for No Way Home.
MCU fans have more to look forward to now that the multiverse is fully unleashed and Phase 4 has well and truly begun.
Yet it's safe to say that the next time viewers come across this version of Peter Parker, he won't be the same.
Spider-man: No Way Home is now in theaters everywhere.
Cover photo: Imago/Prod.Db