Daniel Craig to reprise his role in sequels to Knives Out as Netflix lands hit franchise

Los Angeles, California - The star-studded crime comedy Knives Out has not one but two sequels in the works!

The crime thriller Knives Out was released in 2019 and turned a large profit.
The crime thriller Knives Out was released in 2019 and turned a large profit.  © IMAGO/Lions Gate/Courtesy Everett Collection

Netflix has secured the rights to the two productions in a huge $400 million deal that it won in a bidding war with competing streaming production companies, the Hollywood Reporter announced on Wednesday.

The only condition was that Daniel Craig (53) would stay on to reprise his detective role in the franchise. He reportedly made over $20 million for his roles in the recent James Bond movies.

The rest of the cast from the first installment, which included Jamie Lee Curtis, Chris Evans, and Toni Collette, may be subject to change.

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The film is an Agatha Christie-style whodunit murder mystery which was released in 2019. It centers around a family patriarch, played by Christopher Plummer, who dies mysteriously in his mansion. The actor passed away on February 5 at the age of 91.

Rian Johnson, who also directed Star Wars: The Last Jedi, will be at the helm of Knives Out 2 and 3.

His successful direction of the original Knives Out, which was made on a relatively low $40 million budget, grossed more than $311 million worldwide.

Knives Out 2 is set to begin filming in Greece at the end of June.

Cover photo: IMAGO/Lions Gate/Courtesy Everett Collection

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