Tripwire CEO resigns following gaming industry backlash for abortion tweet

Austin, Texas - The Twitter outcry and reaction for game developer and publisher Tripwire has packed a punch. Now, the company is under new management.

It was a quick turnaround from tweeting to resigning for CEO John Gibson (stock image).
It was a quick turnaround from tweeting to resigning for CEO John Gibson (stock image).  © 123RF/f8studio

Tripwire's CEO John Gibson, who on Saturday sparked outcry by tweeting his support for the Texas fetal heartbeat bill, has stepped down from his title position.

In a statement issued on Monday, Tripwire Interactive LLC announced its change of leadership.

"His comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners and much of our broader community," it read. "Our leadership team at Tripwire are deeply sorry and are unified in our commitment to take swift action and to foster a more positive environment."

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It also declared that the former CEO's position did not reflect that of the rest of the company.

Gibson's tweet was met with substantial criticism from the gaming community in general and from partner game studios.

Some of them, such as Shipwright Studios, even took steps to distance themselves from Tripwire Interactive. Shipwright issued a statement informing Tripwire, and others, that their existing contracts would be cancelled.

Gibson has been replaced by Alan Wilson, who will now serve as Tripwire's interim CEO.

Going forward, the company plans to have meetings with concerned parties, including employees and business partners, to promote "an open dialogue" regarding Gibson's remarks.

Cover photo: 123RF/f8studio

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