Sony backtracks on PlayStation upgrades after fans call out broken promises on Horizon sequel

San Francisco, California - Sony started an online riot on September 2 by going back on a promise. In a blog post about upcoming game Horizon: Forbidden West, Sony included a detail on upgrade paths, which had many fans telling Sony to get its story straight.

Old to new, from the PS4 to the PS5
Old to new, from the PS4 to the PS5  © ©kuprevich/123RF.COM ©charnsitr/123RF.COM

After the Horizon blog post went live, the game's fans on Twitter went loud. They accused Sony of walking back the promise made in 2020 that there would be a free upgrade path from PS4 to PS5 for specific games.

Sony had explicitly stated that the long-awaited sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn would have a free upgrade for players who moved from PS4 to PS5.

The company did not make good on that particular detail when adding details about pre-purchasing the sequel. In its September 2 blog post, Sony included a section that noted it would be pay-to-upgrade for the upcoming game.

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After two days of the fan base getting loud about the broken promise, the company put its plan into reverse and updated its blog post on September 4.

Sony is now offering purchase options for Horizon: Forbidden West that include a free upgrade option for moving to the newer PlayStation console.

Sony CEO addresses future upgrades

Horizon: Zero Dawn (r.) was a hugely popular PS4 title.
Horizon: Zero Dawn (r.) was a hugely popular PS4 title.  © IMAGO / Pacific Press Agency

Following the decision to update Sony's upgrade policy for Horizon: Forbidden West went public, many Twitter users were vocal about what their activism accomplished and applauded how fans of the Horizon series forced Sony to stay accountable. Many also lamented the change that is coming for future titles.

Until now, the PlayStation community has had the option of upgrading over 80 titles for free when moving from the PS4 to the PS5.

Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, had this to say about future upgrades for PS4 to PS5: "I also want to confirm today that moving forward, PlayStation first-party exclusive cross-gen titles (newly releasing on PS4 & PS5) –both digital and physical – will offer a $10 USD digital upgrade option from PS4 to PS5. This will apply to the next God of War and Gran Turismo 7, and any other exclusive cross-gen PS4 & PS5 title published by Sony Interactive Entertainment."

For any PS4 users, note that after the reversal on Horizon: Forbidden West, moving from the PS4 to the PS5 will mean paying to get your new games onto the updated console.

Cover photo: ©kuprevich/123RF.COM ©charnsitr/123RF.COM

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