Hidden treasure: Super Mario game forgotten in drawer sells for world record fee!
Dallas, Texas - A mint-condition Super Mario Bros game from 1985 has just made its seller a fortune at an auction!

The incredible winning bid of $660,000 is a world record for a video game, the auction house Heritage Auctions in Dallas, Texas announced Friday.
Heritage had auctioned off a similar game last July for a then-record $114,000.
Japanese company Nintendo launched the now world-famous video game Super Mario Bros. in 1985.
The Nintendo classic auctioned on Friday was in extremely good condition, Heritage said.
The video game had been bought as a Christmas gift in 1985 and then disappeared into a drawer for 36 years.
"It was down in my office desk the whole time," the seller, who wished to remain anonymous, said, according to the release.
It wasn't until this year, he said, that he came across it again.
Auctions like this are not uncommon. A few years ago, a teacup with Lady Gaga's leftover lipstick kiss was auctioned for more than $75,000, with the proceeds going to charity .
Cover photo: IMAGO / Cover-Images