NBA legend Dennis Rodman shows girlfriend ink love with new face tattoo

Chicago, Illinois - What will he do now if they break up? For basketball legend Dennis Rodman, his love for his girlfriend is forever as he recently had a portrait of her tattooed on his face!

Basketball legend Dennis Rodman had his girlfriend's face tattooed on his cheek.
Basketball legend Dennis Rodman had his girlfriend's face tattooed on his cheek.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/vanjohnsonofficial

That's right – former NBA star who played for the Chicago Bulls, LA Lakers, and the Dallas Mavericks, actually got a tattoo of his girlfriend's face on his right cheek!

Watching the video posted on Instagram by Van Johnson is actually quite shocking.

As it turns out, even his girlfriend Yella Yella was against this spicy spot.

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"I actually told him not to do it," Yella Yella told TMZ. "I'm like, 'What're you doing!'"

Rodman, however, was not dissuaded from following through on his wild ink idea.

Dennis Rodman gets girlfriend tattooed on his face and fans react

The new tattoo isn't Rodman's first media scandal.
The new tattoo isn't Rodman's first media scandal.  © IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

Rodman says that his current girlfriend is his "last dance," or his last great love, which is why he dared to take this extraordinary step.

His fans, however, were not too amused about the new tattoo.

The comments range from "Tattoo looks like sh*t just saying smh lol," to "His girlfriend should have been against that. Shows her immaturity to NOT STOP him from doing this."

Now, it seems Rodman may be in for trouble if they ever split. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/vanjohnsonofficial/IMAGO/ZUMA Wire

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