Conspiracy theories and fist fights: Christmas dinners get wild in Miley Cyrus' family
Los Angeles, California - Silent night, holy night? Not in Miley Cyrus' family. The star revealed how wild the holidays get in her household.

Miley told the KISS Breakfast Show that Christmas dinners in the Cyrus family often end in fiery disagreements and political debates.
"You're sitting round a table full of artists that are very opinionated and we love to bring up conspiracy theories at the dinner table which usually end in some sort of debate and everyone being upset," the 28-year-old said.
Miley has a pretty big family – her sisters Brandi and Noah, brothers Trace, Christopher, and Braison, as well her country singer dad Billy Ray and mother Tish all come together for the holiday celebration every year, despite the constant bickering.
Once a discussion over aliens left her mother in tears. "It ended with my brothers not talking for a week," Miley said.
Some of their fights even transform into full-on fist fights, with each of them "slamming the door in some way and a lot of apology texts."
Miley Cyrus wants to go "Goth" this Christmas

But her sister Noah (20) always comes prepared with ridiculously long fingernails, Miley joked.
"Noah, she's always got a weapon: her nails."
While the Cyrus family might disagree on aliens, they are all on the same page when it comes to food.
"We're a big fan of mashed potato volcano in this house, which is where you basically make the butter explode out the top and come down like lava and it's just the best thing ever," Miley revealed. "Big, big fans of butter in this house."
The pop star also has special plans to decorate her home for the upcoming holidays. And in typical Miley-fashion, it will be anything but traditional: "I want an all-black tree this year, I wanna do like goth Christmas," she said.
Instead of garland, Miley plans to install "rosaries" and "upside-down studded crosses."
Cover photo: imago images / Runway Manhattan