Harry Styles becomes part of the curriculum at Texas State University!
San Marcos, Texas - A new college course will give a handful of lucky students the chance to study everything about pop star Harry Styles and his globe-spanning influence!

Texas State University Honours College will be offering "Harry Styles and the Cult of Celebrity: Identity, the Internet, and European Pop Culture" beginning in their Spring 2023 semester.
The professor of the course, Dr Louie Dean Valencia, shared the news on Twitter about his one-of-a-kind course.
"Self-expression, and comfort with oneself, is a big part of Harry's message, along with treating people with kindness," Valencia told CNN. "A lot of people, myself included, feel like they've grown up with him, and so there is a connection."
The course description says it "focuses on British musician Harry Styles and popular European culture to understand the cultural and political development of the modern celebrity as related to questions of gender and sexuality, race, class, nation and globalism, media, fashion, fan culture, internet culture, and consumerism."
"I think it's so important for young people to see what is important to them reflected in their curriculum," Valencia told NBC New York.
Texas State University will begin offering the class on Harry Styles in Spring 2023.
Cover photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP