Ozzy Osbourne says he's "fed up" with Britney Spears' sexy dance clips

Los Angeles, California - Here's why Ozzy Osbourne has had it with Britney Spears' provocative Instagram post!

Britney Spears' (r.) provocative Instagram clip was slammed by Ozzy Osbourne.
Britney Spears' (r.) provocative Instagram clip was slammed by Ozzy Osbourne.  © Collage: KEVORK DJANSEZIAN / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP & Screenshot/Instagram/britneyspears

The 75-year-old rock legend randomly brought up the pop star's Instagram feed on his family's podcast, sharing that he's "fed up" with seeing "poor old" Britney's wild content.

His wife, Sharon, stepped in to explain that Ozzy was referring to Britney's "dancing" posts, to which he added, "Every f**king day."

The Womanizer singer has often dropped multiple videos per day of herself shaking her tailfeather since her nearly 14-year conservatorship ended.

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Yet the Black Sabbath star's daughter, Kelly, commented, "I feel sorry for her" – and he ultimately agreed with her.

Are Britney Spears' dance clips "too much?"

His son, Jack, echoed the same sentiments, saying Britney's situation is "very sad indeed," while Sharon called the Toxic singer a "poor little thing" and that it's "heartbreaking."

Britney's latest dance post was a throwback clip where she performed to Madonna's song I'm Addicted and dished on having "false confidence" after her divorce from Sam Asghari.

"Trust me I know we're all human and make mistakes !!! I literally need to go back and adjust and possibly do a couple more therapy sessions," Britney wrote.

The Woman in Me author also just split from her on-and-off boyfriend Paul Soliz.

Cover photo: Collage: KEVORK DJANSEZIAN / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP & Screenshot/Instagram/britneyspears

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