Brangelina divorce could get even messier as stars fight over custody

Los Angeles - The divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt has been rumbling on for a long time and the next round might get uglier. Brad wants to have more time with his children and is willing to fight it out in court.

Angelina Jolie (45) and Brad Pitt (56).
Angelina Jolie (45) and Brad Pitt (56).  © imago images / APress

From Hollywood's dream couple to one of the most drawn-out separations in the world of entertainment: who could have predicted just how badly this love story would end? The two superstars split up in 2016 and since then, things have deteriorated significantly.

And it could get worse. A report in Entertainment Tonight says Brad Pitt (56) wants equal joint custody of his six children Shiloh, Maddox, Vivienne-Marcheline, Knox Leon, Zahara, and Pax Thien. And he is willing to go to war for this.

"Brad is asking for 50/50 to be put in place and stay in place," an insider source told ET, adding that the former couple had actually come up with an acceptable custody agreement in 2018, before their divorce proceedings stalled.

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Throughout this whole time, both actors have had time with their children scheduled by an independent court. But Brad apparently isn't happy with the arrangement and is seriously considering legal options, even though "the last thing he would ever want is for this to have a negative outcome for everyone," according to ET's source.

If the relationship between Brad and Angelina continues to break down, this could get very messy.

Cover photo: imago images / APress

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