Did Adele take a major step in her relationship with Rich Paul?

Los Angeles, California – Rumor Has It things are getting pretty serious between Adele and her sports agent boo.

Adele might've taken a major step in her relationship with Rich Paul.
Adele might've taken a major step in her relationship with Rich Paul.  © Collage: Niklas Halle'n & Tolga Akme / AFP

It seems like the only way celebs know how to commemorate their one-year anniversary is with a bougie Instagram photo dump.

Adele certainly subscribes to this narrative, as she posted several snaps of her alongside boo thing Rich Paul in honor of making it to the one-year mark with a caption that read "time flies."

As it turns out, those rumors about her throwing down millions on Sylvester Stallone's house back in January might actually be true.

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You know, considering the first pic in her carousel post was one of her and Paul posing in front of said mansion with keys in-hand, seemingly proving the two are taking their relationship to the cohabitating level.

Heck, the two might even be engaged! If such is true, moving in together only makes sense.

Despite the Oh My God singer's dedication to making it seem like her love life is nothing short of a fairy tale on social media, we're not totally convinced.

The songstress recently turned 34, and it seems her boo thing was nowhere to be found during her birthday bash, as Page Six reported he was busy partying it up with LeBron James in Miami.

Was Adele's latest photo dump her way of telling fans there isn't any trouble in paradise?

Cover photo: Collage: Niklas Halle'n & Tolga Akme / AFP

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