Shocking video shows dad endangering daughter's life with selfie attempt in elephant enclosure

San Diego, California - A San Diego dad put his daughter's life in incredible danger when he carried the helpless two-year-old into the elephant habitat at the San Diego Zoo to pose for a picture with the animals.

The elephant enclosure at the San Diego Zoo is very popular, but Jose Navarrete clearly overstepped boundaries.
The elephant enclosure at the San Diego Zoo is very popular, but Jose Navarrete clearly overstepped boundaries.  © EPA/JASON SZENES

Jose Navarrete (25) risked it all for a selfie.

The man trespassed multiple barriers to get into a habitat for Asian and African elephants Friday afternoon, zoo spokesman Andrew James said, according to NBC San Diego.

All the while, his two-year-old daughter was resting in his arms.

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What happened next shocked everyone.

An upset elephant let out a roar and started charging at the two, who were suddenly fearing for their lives. Footage uploaded on Twitter shows the father running away from the giant animal, who is on his heels.

In the background, zoo visitors can be heard screaming and panicking as the two come face to face with death.

Jose Navarrete drops his child

The panicked father dropped his child as they tried to escape the enclosure.

Fortunately, Navarrete managed to pick her up just in time and was able to get her and himself to safety before the trumpeting elephant would have stomped on them.

Meanwhile, the elephant remained at the fence, making it clear once and for all that his habitat is not an amusement park.

Elephants are usually peaceful animals, but can be very aggressive and dangerous when they feel threatened.

San Diego police have since arrested Navarette, who faces a charge related to child endangerment and is being held on a $100,000 bail.

He is scheduled to appear in court on March 30.

Cover photo: James Kirkikis/123RF.COM

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