Raccoon rescued after getting head stuck in peanut butter jar

Barnstable, Massachusetts - A wild raccoon had to be rescued after it got its head stuck in a large peanut butter jar.

A wild raccoon had to be rescued by the Cape Wildlife Center of Massachusetts after it got its head stuck in a large peanut butter jar.
A wild raccoon had to be rescued by the Cape Wildlife Center of Massachusetts after it got its head stuck in a large peanut butter jar.  © Collage: Cape Wildlife Center

The Cape Wildlife Center (CWC) shared details of the incident on Facebook, along with some pics of the critter caught in the sticky situation.

The cute raccoon gave the team a run for their money, sending them into a wild game of hide and seek.

"He managed to escape containment and hide in the woods under thick brier," the CWC shared. "Our team lost sight of him the first day, but luckily the homeowner was able to keep an eye out and called us back on site a day later."

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The team managed to follow the animal to his den, where they used a grabber to pry the jar off its head.

"The raccoon stuck his head out for a breath of fresh air before returning to the safety of his den," they said.

Fortunately, the little critter wasn't injured in the incident, but the CWC says things could have been much worse.

"This little masked bandit got lucky, but unfortunately this is a common occurrence with raccoons and other species that frequent garbage and recycling bins looking for food," the post explained.

"Please remember to secure bins tightly and wash out containers and jars completely, so they don’t attract unwanted diners," the Cape Wildlife Center added.

Cover photo: Collage: Cape Wildlife Center

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