Old woman confronts bear and saves her life
Yakutsk, Russia - While most people would run away as fas as they could after seeing a bear, this fearless woman's courage saved her life.

A bear surprised an 84-year-old woman from eastern Russia while she was picking berries in Yakutia last Friday. Instead of running away, she stood still and confronted the bear, according to the Russian state agency Ria Novosti.
The brave woman set a newspaper on fire and yelled at the bear. This is what saved her life, local news reported.
Authorities confirmed the incident. Apparently, the old woman used to be a hunter herself, which explains her calm behavior.
In case of a bear encounter, experts advise making as much noise as possible because it will scare the animal away. Pretending to be dead is the silent, less recommended alternative.
Cover photo: 123RF/ frankfichtmueller