Mother makes nightmarish discovery in her son's toy truck

New Norfolk, Australia - This sight is enough to give any parent nighmares!

The huntsman spider guards her 100 to 200 babies (collage).
The huntsman spider guards her 100 to 200 babies (collage).  © Collage: Facebook/Screenshot/Brooke Thorpe

When Brooke Thorpe was playing in the yard with her son and nephew on Tuesday, she had no idea what she would discover just seconds later.

Brook's two-year-old nephew brought his toy truck to his aunt and asked her to take a look inside.

Brook played along, but the little game quickly turned into a heart-stopping scare when she saw an eight-legged mom watching over her 100 to 200 children inside!

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The monstrous spider would make most people's blood run cold, but not for Brook's son. His reaction was quite the opposite!

The boy was "pretty happy with his cool find," the Australian told the Daily Mail.

Immediately, the young woman took a photo of the small but huge family and posted it on the Facebook group Australian spider identification page, writing: "Found this little mumma today with her sac!"

Brooke assured everyone that the "little mumma" is being taken care of and can stay in the boy's truck for the time being, until her babies hatch.

Arachnologist Dr. Robert Raven estimated that the baby Huntsman spiders are between two and three weeks old and far too young to manage on their own.

Instead of reacting with shock or disgust, most of the Facebook users filled the comments section with words of awe. They were impressed and could hardly take their eyes off the spectacle.

"What a good mum," one wrote of the spider. Another said, "Aww she is cuddling her baby'"

Cover photo: Collage: Facebook/Screenshot/Brooke Thorpe

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