Little girl's bedroom becomes creeping, crawling nightmare

Sydney, Australia - When Claudia was called to her daughter's bedroom in the middle of the night, she had no idea what was awaiting her.

Numerous spiders crawl along the ceiling of Claudia's daughter's room.
Numerous spiders crawl along the ceiling of Claudia's daughter's room.  ©

She first spotted a few spiders crawling along the window pane, but when she pulled the curtain aside, she was horrified at the number of spiders hiding under the fabric.

Claudia told 9news that there were 50 or 60 in total.

But that wasn't all: as soon as her daughter asked her to take a look at the other side of the room, she found even more crawling creatures hanging from the ceiling.

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Claudia tried to stay calm throughout the incident.

"We just left them there because they are baby huntsman, I actually like huntsman, so I was like, I'm not going to do anything," she continued. "They're just going to walk away… let nature be."

Her daughter initially refused to continue sleeping in the room.

Facebook users react in shock when they see the video

In the end, however, Claudia's daughter gave in and stayed – but not before pushing her bed to opposite the wall to keep as much distance between herself and the creatures as possible. She also opened her window, hoping the creepy-crawlies would disappear.

It worked! When she woke up the next day, most of the spiders were gone.

Claudia later took to Facebook to share a clip of the nightly spectacle in her daughter's room – and the reactions were just as expected.

"I just can't believe how calm you are," a stunned user commented, while others wrote that they probably would have set the house on fire.

But there is no real cause to fear the animals. Although huntsman spiders can be aggressive and poisonous, a bite from them is not fatal.

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