Jogger was prepared for the black bear closing in on him: "I'm not your food!"

Wyoming – Evan Matthews shows the internet how to shake off a black bear that thought he would make an easy snack.

While on a jog, Evan encountered an American black bear, predators not to be trifled with (stock image).
While on a jog, Evan encountered an American black bear, predators not to be trifled with (stock image).  © hecke/123RF

The former hunting guide regularly goes jogging in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, but he might rethink his route after this encounter.

During one of his recent outings, Evan Matthews ran into a female black bear, The Guardian reported.

In fact, Evan already knew the animal from previous jogs, though the bear always kept a healthy distance from him.

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Unfortunately, during the most recent encounter, things went differently. Despite loud commands, the animal kept coming towards Evan. Even as the jogger tried to gain distance, the bear kept following him.

Despite fearing for his life, Evan apparently still had the nerve to videotape the tense showdown with the animal.

"I don't care if you're hungry. I'm not your food," Evan can be heard saying in the recording. "We can go for a walk if you want, but don't come near me," Evan jokes.

Luckily, the runner had parked his car not far away, so he was able to get away and then watch until the bear finally retreated into the woods.

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Luckily, Evan knew just how to behave when approached by a wild bear.
Luckily, Evan knew just how to behave when approached by a wild bear.  © Screenshot/YouTube/ViralHog

Within a short time, Evan's video went viral on the internet. However, people should not take such an encounter lightly.

In another post, Evan shared some tips as an experienced hunting guide for people who ever encounter a bear, and even dispelled a few myths that are often shared in movies.

He said, "This is a "cinnamon phase" BLACK bear....even though it is brown in color. I had bear spray in my running vest and got it out immediately (but did not spray it as the bear never got within 20 yards)."

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A crucial element of how to handle bear attacks is to be loud, but not to shriek. A scream of fear can sound similar to a wounded animal and signal to the bear that you are prey.

Evans continues, "I did NOT run away. If I had, the bear could have thought of me as prey and chased me down. Being that I am not prey, I stood my ground when it charged (showing it that I'm not a prey animal) then backed away slowly."

Most crucially, and what is often misrepresented in the media: "I did NOT play dead. That may save your life if a mother bear with cubs is attacking, as she may perceive the threat to be over. But with a solo bear who is interested in you like this, it is not trying to eliminate a threat – it is trying to find an easy target. Don't be one. I kept talking to it to show that I was a Human and not to be mistaken for another animal," he explained.

Fortunately, Evan handled his situation appropriately. Otherwise, the whole thing could have ended badly for him.

Cover photo: hecke/123RF, Screenshot YouTube

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